The cable channel tvN's Friday Saturday drama 'Twenty Again' Choi Ji Woo played Hamlet with her twentysomething college friends, and reported the issues current college students go through, such as student loans and minimum wage part time jobs.
On the most recent episode of the cable channel tvN's Friday Saturday drama 'Twenty Again,' which aired on September 26, 2015, Ha No Ra, played by actress Choi Ji Woo, with her college friends created a short play. The play was inspired by Hamlet and talked about the students in their early twenties who stress from student loans, and are torn between following their passion and stable profession. On this episode, Choi Ji Woo's project shed light on the issues current twentysomethings go through. In related news, actress Choi Ji Woo's popular cable channel tvN's Friday Saturday drama 'Twenty Again' tells a story of a middle aged woman who go back to college to find her long lost youth. On campus, she goes to classes with her twenty year old son, his girlfriend, and the guy she used to like is a professor.