Amazon CEO And Founder Expands Web-Linked 'Home-Gadgets' Tech, Blue Origin Space Patent Conflicts Rival SpaceX Filing, Jeff Bezos Visits India, 'We See Success (Here)', Pledges $2B In Investments.


Amazon CEO And Founder Expands Web-Linked ‘Home Gadgets’, Blue Origin Space Patent Conflicts Rival SpaceX Filing, Jeff Bezos On A 4-Day Visit To India, ‘We See Success (Here)’, Pledging $2B In Investments.

(New Delhi, India) – In the latest reports online bookseller, Amazon CEO And Founder plans to increase its employees at its Silicon Valley hardware unit. This is no surprise as Jeff Bezos’ spaceflight company Blue Origin has announced a partnership with Boeing and Lockheed to make rocket engines and space vehicles that ferry astronauts to and from the space station and back. The hardware unit will increase by about 27% in the next 5 years to improve its Internet based smart “home gadgets.’

The plans for the shifting the No. 1 U.S. online retailer’ hardware unit is a move by CEO Jeff Bezos to strengthen sales at The news comes after a poor performance demonstrated Amazon’s Fire smart phone and criticism from investors who said Amazon CEO And Founder was spending heavily on experimental projects.

Amazon also plans to unveil credit card readers for small businesses. Tech firms say that a host of technology is under consideration at Amazon, including dishwashers connected to Internet, thermostats and households devices to increase demand for these products. Though these technologies will directly compete with Google and Apple Inc. products, some analysts say they will be too expensive for the average consumer.

The CEO of Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos is visiting India for four days after he arrived in his private Jet to the emerging economy, which Bezos thinks ‘has no obstacles to growth.’ "The (Indian-Amazon online marketplace) model is doing extremely well," CEO of the world’s biggest online retailer told the Hindustan Times, adding, “We want to continue investing in India because we see evidence of success,” says Amazon founder CEO.

A recently awarded project to make Rocket engines with Boeing and Lockheed that will present an alternate rocket engine to Soviet rockets used by NASA currently. At the moment, the Kent-based space firm, Blue Origin, run by Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos. Elon Musk makes SpaceX rockets and is a Bezos rival that has been operating in cargo transport to the International Space Station. The Blue Origin patent filings are being challenged for landing vehicles on floating ocean sites.

A SpaceX filing contends that Blue Origin is not the first to come up with landing sea vehicle technology by quoting Yoshiuki Ishijima as saying, ““In order to land in a limited area such as a tanker on the sea, the re-entry and terminal guidance should be accurate and robust,” Bizjournals reports.

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