The detective crime drama series "Sherlock" might soon wrap up the entire series with the next season, which is the fourth and could be the ultimate season, according to Christian Today. The upcoming season four, releasing somewhere around next year, may be the end to the series. The "Sherlock" franchise will release its new episode on the eve of New Year, on Jan. 1, 2016.
The trailer of the new episode titled "The Abominable Bride" went on air recently. The trailer covers the first ever interaction between the detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Waston. iDigitalTimes reported that there will be a special episode to be released in U.K and U.S, apart from the regular episode. The theatrical episode will have extra footage of 20 minutes and it will be like a walkthrough of the popular address 221B Baker Street, London.
Christian Today further added that Steven Moffat, writer and producer, of the "Sherlock" series told in an interview with Variety that series relies on Benedict Cumberbatch's availability in future for the show to go on. Steven said that "Sherlock" series is not a science fiction to go forever like "Doctor Who" series. "Doctor Who" series is also written and produced by Steven.
Benedict Cumberbatch , who has lent his voice to a dragon's character in the movie "Hobbit" and also acted in severally acclaimed movies like "The Imitation Game" and "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy." The actor was recently seen acting in a movie along with Johnny Depp in "The Black Mass," playing a politician brother of a gangster. According to Christian Today, Benedict is committed to work on a new movie by "Marvel." And this is the precise reason that actor may not be able to spare his time for the "Sherlock" series, which might compel producers to end the series with the fourth season.
Another website Latinos Health reported that Cumberbatch was keen on playing the role as long as there was a room for character growth, and he was motivated to continue by the challenges the role presented.