Jon Snow To Return In 'Game of Thrones Season 6'? Emilia Clarke Doesn't Think So

Game of Thrones season 6
Game of Thrones
“Game of Thrones” cast
Jon snow

The character of Jon Snow played by Kit Harington, who was shown killed in the "Game of Thrones" Season 5 finale, might reappear in Season 6 of the popular fantasy epic.

According to Pop Goes The News, actor Ian McShane said in a recent interview that he is entering "Game of Thrones" in a still unannounced character. The actor revealed that his role included apparently resurrecting a dead character from the HBO TV series.

"I'll give you one hint," McShane said. "I am responsible for bringing somebody back that you think you're never going to see again. I'll leave it at that."

He added that he will be seen acting in just one episode but his short-lived will be very vital to the plot.

"[It's] a one-off episode," the actor explained. "But I can't reveal anything, otherwise I will never work again."

McShane's words adds up to the speculation that Jon Snow will be back in the show. In the Season 5 finale, Snow was stabbed by members of the Night's Watch and viewers were made to believe that their favorite character was no more.

"Watchers on the Wall," the "Game of Thrones" online community, also confirmed Snow's return in Season 6 after information was received from the show's Northern Ireland set describing a scene filmed involving some of the cast members, including Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner), Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen), Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) and Jon Snow.

It still remains to be seen whether the scene involving the 'dead' Jon Snow comes out as a flashback or a dream sequence. However, the presence of Sansa, Ramsay Bolton, Littlefinger, and Wun Wun suggests that the show has moved forward, and Jon Snow remains alive.

Offering an explanation about Kit Harington being spotted on the sets in full Jon Snow attire, Emilia Clarke said "I think that he loves us, I think that he misses us, and I think that we like to mess with those people who are snooping around our set, trying to get information that they don't really want to know," reported ETOnline.

Game of Thrones season 6 is expected to premiere in April 2016.

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