Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode Is Enhanced With Web App Compatibility Kit And HTTP Port Support


Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode browser is now enhanced with two much-needed additions - the web application compatibility lab kit and HTTP port support.

Microsoft Corporation has introduced a new browser, Edge, which comes with Windows 10. Edge is supposed to replace Internet Explorer, but enterprise users especially, are still sticking with the latter.

Microsoft announced on Monday that its enterprise users can go on using web apps built for IE older versions. It is also adding some much-needed additions to IE 11's Enterprise, which Microsoft News enumerated below.

Introduction of the Web Application Compatiblity Lab Kit to aid customers in using Enterprise Site Discovery and Enterprise Mode. It guides the user step-by-step in configuring and setting up Enterprise Mode aside from Enterprise Site Discovery, Enterprise Mode Site List Manager and F12 developer tools.

The kit has VMs for Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise and Windows 10 Enterprise, both in Evaluation versions; or users can download the non-VMS "lite" versions.

There is already support for HTTP ports for the Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode as what customers wished. They wanted the capability to apply the compatibility of the Enterprise Mode to websites with HTTP ports.

One can either specify the port directly into the Enterprise Mode Site List XML or add HTTP ports by using the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool. This one needs the IE11 October Cumulative Update installed.

According to Microsoft Corporation via its Windows Blog, it is important for Windows 7 customers to upgrade to IE 11 by January 12, 2016 so that they will continue receiving technical support and security updates.

As there are customers whose web services and apps are designed for IE older versions, the Redmond-based company is enhancing some Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode tools to help run the said apps and services in IE 11.

Going into IE 11 will later ease the Windows 10 upgrade as the browser is supported by Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

It is Microsoft's way of improving the Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode, run older apps and helping customers upgrade to IE 11. The company is on the right track as its upgrades to IE are going smoother.

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