Supercell Provides Guide On 'Clash Of Clans' Town Hall 11 Update To Address Gamers' Mixed Reviews

Clash of Clans
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Supercell has provided a user's guide in connection to the "Clash of Clans" Town Hall 11 update, which has been receiving mixed reviews so far from gamers.

The clip on "Clash of Clans" Town Hall 11 update posted on YouTube generated mixed reviews from watchers.

"The reason the update is bullshit is because now it's only goal is to make you play more..." one user wrote. "The new shield methods and removal of TH sniping makes people have to attack more to reclaim loot they have lost. It sucks and will make me play less because I can't farm."

"Im just excited to get that freeze spell at th9," another said.

Another gamer commented, "I feel like the only reason they made this update is so people actually start playing again. I know tons of people who have played for years who quit because of idiotic additions to the game like the air sweeper. I honestly don't think the game can be saved at this point."

But another fan of the "Clash of Clans" explained, "I mean this is a long term game, i have been playing for 2 years and am a midth9. Of course i dont farm as much as i could (which will be nonexistent now lol). Its not about rushing the game, enjoy each phase cause they all have their quirks."

According to the Town 11 update for "Clash of Clans," users are introduced to the Grand Warden, who can be useful for air or ground, offense and defense.

Other updates include:

"New defense - Eagle Artillery: rain feathery death from above," it said. "Extra defense buildings at TH11: Cannon, Archer Tower, Wizard Tower, X-Bow. Freeze Spell unlocks at TH9, and lasts longer than before at all levels."

Gamers gave mixed reviews on the fact that a player is given 30 more seconds on the "Clash of Clans" Town 11 update to pillage other users, as well as league bonus awards are distributed according to the amount of destruction.

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