Considering how K-drama celebrities' lives are like an open book, and the small details about them can be exposed, it's unsurprising that they take care of themselves from head to toe, roots to tips, and yes, including nails.
The holy grail for pretty, healthy nails? Coconut oil!

Coconut oil is a no-secret ingredient that can be used for everything from beauty to cooking. One part of your body that you should never neglect is your growing nails.
Nails need love and tender care, treat them right by using coconut oil. It's rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, high in saturated fats, and medium-chain fatty acids, meaning once it absorbs, it will maintain your skin's smoothness for a long period of time.
Like your favorite K-drama stars, flaunting their visuals should include their beautiful hands and nails to look better onscreen.
Here are key points of why coconut oil is good for your nails.
Stronger Nails
With continuous use of coconut oil, your nails won't get brittle, which is the cause of broken nails.
Brittle nails are such a pain to getting a manicure and your cuticles may have not ever looked better. Apply coconut oil as part of your daily routine.
Treats Undesired Fungus
Having brittle and dry nails allows the fungus to enter which will accumulate and cause fungal infection. By using coconut oil, it will help your nails to avoid crack and discoloration.
It is the safest method to use on the affected area without causing any too much-added cost.

Prevents Hangnails and Nail Ridges
Getting hangnails and nail ridges is such a fuss, it distorts the shape of your nails. Applying coconut oil and massage your nails daily will help it recover and become stronger. Keeping your skin hydrated can be achieved by simply massaging your nails with coconut oil on the daily.
So what are your waiting for?