Keira Knightley Twitter Only Lasted 12 Hours; Actress Thought She Wasn't the Marrying Type

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Harper's Bazaar
Keira Knightley
Pirates of the Caribbean

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Gracing the cover for the February 2014 issue of Harper's Bazaar, Keira Knightley talks a bout Twitter, marriage, and her future in film.

Knightley just recently married musician James Righton of the Klaxons earlier this year. She took herself by surprise because she never thought that she would be the type to marry. Since tying the knot, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" star has enjoyed the stability.

"These words that you think beforehand, 'That’s the reason I’ll never do it'… those words that you see as completely negative, and you suddenly see them as being incredibly positive, and that’s actually quite liberating and quite nice," said Knightley.

Although she briefly discussed her marriage life with the publication, Knightley is extremely private about her life. Hence the reason why she doesn't even have a Twitter.

After hearing her friends babble on and on about Twitter, Knightley decided to try it for herself.

Once, she signed onto the social media site under an alias username as an experiment. However, after 12 hours, she deleted her account.

"It made me feel a little bit like being in a school playground and not being popular and standing on the sidelines kind of going, 'Argh,'" said the thespian.

Twitter and other social media sights can sometimes create a false impression of celebrities. When Knightley was asked if she was bothered by it, she said "No."

"No, I think that’s fine… I like being private. I haven’t asked a lot of the actresses who I really admire, 'How do you do it?' because I don’t want to know. Maybe I’m childish in that way; I just don’t want to know about your life," said Knightley, who only cares about her work.

Speaking of her work, Knightley is a bit restless when it comes to taking orders as an actor and wonder want it would be like to take control as a director.

"As I get older I get more interested by it… There is a lot of 'You do what you’re told'. After watching it and being part of it for so long, you start going, 'I wonder if there is a journey to the other side.' I don’t know if there is, but I’m interested in seeing people who have done it," she said.

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