Recently, on the YouTube show "Halmyungsoo," actor Song Seung Heon playfully asked his co-star Cho Yeo Jeong if she would marry him, raising questions about off-screen chemistry.

The two actors agreed on the suggestion after they talked about their roles as a couple in the upcoming K-movie 'Hidden Face,' which will be their second collaboration since the 2014 film 'Obsessed.'
As a lead-in to the topic, host Park Myung Soo pointed out that the two were lovers in a previous drama and asked Song whether he was married in Hidden Face.
Song explained that they're playing an engaged couple in the movie, but they previously played a married couple in 'Obsessed.'

Read more: Song Seung Heon Remembers the Time He Uploaded a Tribute Photo for His Parents and Wished He Hadn't
"I always feel bad because I cheat on her every single time," Song joked, referencing his character's infidelity in both films.
Park mentioned their on-screen history and suggested they explore a real-life relationship, to which Cho reacted completely unfazed.
"Can't you get married for real? Since you two have already been together twice?" Park asked, to which Cho responded, "Wow, I've never heard that one before."
In a playful tone, Song looked over at Cho and said, "Wanna try it out?" This cut-up banter even got a laugh from the audience and ignited the hearts of long-time shippers of the two.
Since then, the convo went viral, with a lot of fans wishing for their on-screen romance to become a reality off-screen, too.
"Hidden Face," based on the 2011 Spanish-Colombian original film of the same name will be released soon.
Watch the video below: