"GTA V" PC release imminent? Maybe!
A "GTA V" or "Grand Theft Auto 5" profile has been found in the latest AMD Catalyst 13.30 beta drivers which have just been pushed out.
According to Paul Younger of incgaming.com, the discovery was found by "ELCID77" over on Guru3D forums.
"ELCID77" noticed that, after a bit of file digging, that an entry for "Grand Theft Auto 5" has reappeared in the driver profiles.
"It does seem a little odd to have added the entry in previous drivers than remove it. It's even more weird to add it back in later if there was no requirement for it. While we pretty much think there will be a GTA V PC release, perhaps the profile has been added back in for testing purposes." Said Paul Younger in his article
Maybe there will be some news from Rockstar in the weeks ahead?
For the PC gamers who can't wait for a GTA V PC release can satisfy their GTA V PC fix by playing this mod which adds GTA V vehicles on GTA IV. Well, they even added the whole GTA V map!
In an article by Kotaku, It seems that modders are slowly porting over assets (and even the map!) from GTA V to GTA IV PC. A youtube user named "tatigolt" posted videos and screenshots of the mods progress.
These people are the ones involved in making the mod according to Kotaku.
ZZCOOL - Project founderidea & Gameplay footage
MajesticNL - Map converting, pedestrians
Flitskikker - Tool support (Textures)
Frank.s - SCO Scripting, Map Converter
Naznesss - Map Converter, SCO Scripting, Franklin mod
Legiz - Traffic PrograMan - Tool support (Placements)
Sleepy - Vehicle converting
Kurtis2221 - Assisting vehicle converting
Tonybee2014 - Vehicle handling
Special Thanks: Dageron, Tgascoigne, taikol, Rockstar Games & Rockstar North