Joel Osteen Update: Joel and Victoria Osteen announced last January 22, that on June 7, 2014, they will hold their 6th annual "America's Night of Hope" at Yankee Stadium; This will be an evening of hope and inspiration anticipated to draw over 55,000 people from across the country. This is the second America's Night of Hope at Yankee Stadium. The first was on April 25, 2009 and was the first non-baseball event held at the venue. The Yankees announced that tickets for Joel Osteen's "America's Night of Hope" - on Saturday, June 7, at Yankee Stadium - will go on sale to the general public on Saturday, January 25, at 10:00 a.m.
According to Cross Map, "as part of the activities surrounding "America's Night of Hope," Joel Osteen Ministries will reach into New York City's local communities with hundreds of volunteers -- many from Houston -- in order to bring hope through acts of kindness and compassion. Known as The Generation Hope Project® this effort is a major part of the America's Night of Hope event and, since 2012, has already provided thousands of volunteer hours of service through work projects at schools, parks, and community centers in Washington D.C. and Miami, Florida. This year's Generation Hope Project® will focus on mentoring -- developing one-to-one relationships in which one person fosters the personal and professional growth of someone else. Volunteers will have an opportunity to work with young people who need strong adult role models."
"Victoria and I love the people of New York," said Pastor Joel Osteen. "We're excited to be at Yankee Stadium again, and we believe people will be uplifted and filled with an expectation that their best days are still to come.". Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas - America's largest church with more than 52,000 weekly attendees.