Barack Obama State of the Union 2014 News Update : "Whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that's what I'm going to do"
US President Barack Obama delivered his sixth State of the Union address Last January 28, 2014. According to BBC News, he has promised to bypass a fractured Congress to tackle economic inequality.
"In the coming months, let's see where else we can make progress together. Let's make this a year of action. That's what most Americans want - for all of us in this chamber to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations. And what I believe unites the people of this nation, regardless of race or region or party, young or old, rich or poor, is the simple, profound belief in opportunity for all - the notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead," he said.
"Let's face it: that belief has suffered some serious blows. Over more than three decades, even before the Great Recession hit, massive shifts in technology and global competition had eliminated a lot of good, middle-class jobs, and weakened the economic foundations that families depend on," Obama went on.
"Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by - let alone get ahead. And too many still aren't working at all."
He discreetly threatened to use executive authority that will allow him, as president, to act without congressional approval, in order to develop the shrinking middle class.
According to report, President Obama "also reminded the public that 2014 will be the final year in which US troops are on the ground in Afghanistan, and reiterated his 2009 call to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Obama said the US does not wish to be seen as the country that fights terrorism at the expense of constitutional law."
Since the negotiations between Iran and the west have turned hopeful, Obama warned the lawmakers against voting in favor of tougher sanctions towards Iran.
According to BBC News, during his address, Mr Obama appealed to Congress to restore unemployment insurance that recently expired for 1.6 million people, and asked Republicans to stop trying to repeal his signature healthcare overhaul. Mr Obama stressed the importance of early childhood schooling, better value university education, and equal opportunities in the workplace for women.
America does not stand still - and neither will I," President Obama said. "So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that's what I'm going to do."