Dota 2 New Heroes Terrorblade And Phoenix, Takeover Mode, Random Ability Draft Mode Added In 'New Bloom Festival' Event!


Dota 2 new heroes confirmed! It seems that Valve's most popular online game is expanding its hero pool with the addition of two new heroes! The highly anticipated Terrorblade and Phoenix will be added to Dota 2!

"Terrorblade is the demon marauder-an outlaw hellion whom even other demons fear. He stole from the Demon Lords and for his crimes was taught this lesson: even Hell has a hell. He was incarcerated in Foulfell, a dark mirror of reality where demons are sentenced to gaze into twisted reflections of their own souls. But instead of suffering, Terrorblade mastered his reflected worst self and turned his terror loose upon creation."

Terrorblade's skills are:

Reflection - Create a double of your foe, which then attacks its original as it slows their movement.

Conjure Image - Summon forth an illusion of yourself to aid you in battle.

Metamorphosis - Embrace the darkness within, trading your melee attack for a ranged strike while granting additional damage.

Sunder - Sever the soul of an ally or enemy, exchanging your health for theirs.

"For aeons beyond count, the stars above coalesced their energy, each in time bursting forth the cataclysmic fires of supernova to mark the sky with stellar progeny. By this ageless crucible the star called Phoenix collapsed into being. Over long cycles this conscious light inquired and studied, and through chance learned of an enduring conflict of cosmic consequence. Thus an infant son of suns has taken terrestrial form, eager to shine its warmth wherever events seem their darkest."

Phoenix's skills are:

Icarus Dive - Swoop forward in a fierce arc, slowing and damaging all enemies in your path.Fire

Spirits - Spend health to summon spirits which can be launched at your foes to burn them over time.

Sun Ray - Sacrifice vitality to blast your enemies, and heal your allies, with a beam of searing light.

Supernova - Become a core of fusing energy that burns nearby enemies which, if allowed to detonate, will stun foes and renew your strength.

Aside from those new heroes, Dota 2 will have new game modes such as takeover mode which is described as:

"Take control in any replay created after the New Bloom update, then act out the rest of the match from that moment forward. During a replay, hit the Takeover button to create a lobby where everyone can choose which hero to portray. Resume the match, and become the one to turn the tide of a favorite pro play, discover a way to escape an impossible setup, or relive a cherished team fight again and again. Takeovers are considered a new match and have separate replays, which are recorded from the moment you assume control."

And the new Random Ability Draft mode is described as:

"Unlocked at level 11, in this mode each player is randomly assigned a hero, and each hero's abilities are placed into a pool. Players then take turns choosing which abilities their hero will bring into battle. Behold the majesty of a Pouncing Pudge, witness Axe fumbling with Psi Blades, and experience the terror of Illusory Orb Magnus."

Dota 2's new heroes and new game modes will surely add more reasons to play this amazing game. Dota 2 will automatically update on Steam when the new update arrives.

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