It is official! Barry Allen's costume for the "Flash" TV series has been made!
Grant Gustin, the actor playing the "Flash" has revealed on his instagram account that the "Flash" costume has been made, he even teased by posting a picture of him wearing the suit.However the "teaser" is not what you think it is.
A lot of buzz was created when Grant Gustin supposedly posted a picture on twitter of the "Flash" suit for the "Flash" TV series being made. While it really is a "Flash" suit, it will not be the one used on the TV show and the suit was fan-made as well.
“@Evilgeniuspro: To "The Flash" show producers feel free to contact me for your show ;)” woah..
— Grant Gustin (@grantgust) December 18, 2013
The show makers revealed however that the "Flash" costume in the "Flash" TV series will be hugely identical to the "New 52 Flash" costume worn by Barry Allen.
When the "Flash" TV series show makers confirmed that there will be more people with super powers to appear on the show compared to "Arrow", fans then began speculating on which super powered being will appear on the show. One of the most speculated upon superhero to appear on the show is Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern. This rumor makes perfect sense because in the comics, Flash and Green Lantern have always partnered up with each other (Green Lantern even gave Barry Allen his Green Lantern Ring at one point.) While the show makers haven't confirmed that Green Lantern will appear on the show, they haven't ruled him out yet either.
Another super powered villain that is rumored to appear is Gorilla Grodd, one of the "Flash's" iconic enemies. He is rumored to appear on the second season of the show though just like Green Lantern, the show makers haven't confirmed him appearing on the show but it is likely he will appear on the show as he is one of the most iconic enemies of the "Flash".
Fans also speculated to whether which "West" character will appear on the show alongside Iris West and Detective West, either it is the former "Kid Flash" and the successor of Barry Allen, Wally West or the "New 52 Reverse Flash" Daniel West. There is no word from the show makers to see who will appear on the show but fans are betting that Wally West will appear on the "Flash" TV series as a sort-of side kick to Barry Allen.
If you want to know what are all the confirmed things about the "Flash" TV series, read our "Everything we know about 'Flash' TV series" here!