Hallyu star and actor Lee Min Ho of the SBS drama "The Heirs" was spotted at the airport wearing a blue jacket, which reminded the fans of the spring weather. Lee Min Ho left for New Zealand at the end of last week for a TV commercial for the spring summer season of a French outdoor brand called Eider. On this day, Lee Min Ho was spotted leaving for New Zealand wearing a bright blue jacket, slim pair of jeans, and a pair of sunglasses, showing off his sporty outdoor style.
The aqua, bright blue colored light jacket Lee Min Ho was wearing is the new product of the spring and summer season of Eider. The jacket is effective in controlling the humidity and body temperature.
In related news, Lee Min Ho was spotted in New Zealand on February 10, 2014, by users of Weibo, a Chinese social media account, who are living in New Zealand. The pictures of Lee Min Ho taken in New Zealand attracted a lot of attention of "The Heirs" fans. Lee Min Ho left Korea to visit New Zealand to film outdoor clothing commercial on February 6, and is said to go back to Korea on February 11, 2014.