Ted and the whole gang may have an emotional season as "How I Met Your Mother" meets its end and everyone has started crying over it. No, it's not Ted getting dumped again or Barney getting slapped by Marshall - it's not even Robin's emotional breakdowns. Instead, the cast has read the final episode of "How I Met Your Mother," and it's heartbreaking!
The "How I Met Your Mother" season 9 final episode is fast approaching and the show's cast is pretty emotional about it. The final episode is being described by the series creator Carter Bays as heart-breaking. These kinds of spoilers are what the fans needed to be really pumped-up and suited-up for the coming episodes.
"How I Met Your Mother" Season 9 is currently on a break due to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics but speculation on what will happen in the end are circulating online. As the HIMYM cast members tease the fans about what they know in the series finale, it looks like it is a requirement to have a tissue box close by while watching the final episode.
The show's main cast - Josh Radnor, Neil Patrick Harris, Alyson Hannigan, Colbie Smulders, and Jason Segel - expressed how they felt during the script reading session for the final episode. Hannigan posted a photo on her Twitter of the script with a tissue box next to it. Radnor and Harris also tweeted on their Twitter accounts what they felt about the final episode.
Umm...so this is how the last HIMYM Table Read went for me. #sorrytrees pic.twitter.com/UApWvPbbOM
— alyson hannigan (@alydenisof) February 14, 2014
Read the HIMYM series finale script on the treadmill at the gym this morning. People probably thought that was sweat in my eyes. Suckers. — Josh Radnor (@JoshRadnor) February 14, 2014
Just finished the initial read thru of the final How I Met Your Mother. Ever. Holy moly. Just... holy dang moly. #soproud
— Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) February 14, 2014
The show's co-creator Craig Thomas also felt sharing something when he posted a photo of the script in his twitter account which the title says "Last Forever."
Ladies and gentlemen, please meet the #HIMYM series finale! pic.twitter.com/GuQGZJMOP8 — Craig Thomas (@HimymCraig) February 11, 2014
Thomas stated that "We want to keep the end really clean, really clean and respectful," he shared with reporters.
"This show is ending, and whatever that -- whatever 'How I Met Your Dad' would ever be, if it goes, it has to prove itself on its own, and the show deserves the best possible ending that it could get, and the fans who stuck with us deserve that, and that's what we intend to give that."
"How I Met Your Mother" Season 9 returns from the two-week break with Episode 18 titled "Rally" scheduled to air on Monday night, February 24, at 7 pm central time on the CBS network. The finale episode titled "Last Forever" will air on March 31, 2014.
Well it's been one hell of a run for the gang in MacLaren's as each episode comes closer, so does its end. No doubt the finale of the series that made us laugh, cry, and shout "Sweet Mother of God" to every revelation and crazy antics they did, it would surely be as Barney would put it, would be "LEGEN....wait for it...DARY!"