Oculus Rift Production Delayed Due To Parts and Supply Issues! VR Headset Sold Over 50,000 Units Worldwide

Oculus Rift

Looks like the Oculus Rift's unexpected success might also be a cause of a problem, according to its developer.

The Oculus Rift's production will be delayed due to a parts and supply issue. The statement came from the developer of Oculus Rift himself. He claims that these parts are no longer being made, so they don't have the materials to make more kits than they already have. As it is, the company has sold 50,000 Oculus Rift headsets to developers worldwide.

As of right now, Oculus VR plans to keep selling the kits in key territories as much as possible, and then suspend its sales. They are currently looking into replacement components, but cannot yet give a timeframe. Of course, this also means Valve's predictions of consumer VR coming by 2015 might be delayed a little bit longer than expected.

While this was not indicated in the developer's message, it is widely believed that the parts in question were made for the mobile and smartphone industry, which, in hindsight, was a short-sighted approach. While using these parts meant they could lower costs, Oculus VR may not have taken into account that mobile devices upgrade and are iterated upon more rapidly than in other tech industries.

The developer believes that the most likely candidate for missing parts is the display. While the Oculus Rift uses a seven inch LCD, many tablets and smartphones have moved on to screens eight inches and above.

Further updates will be made once the needed parts and supplies for the Oculus Rift are made for production to resume.

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