Fans know the Jun Kazama returned to the "Tekken" franchise as a playable character in "Tekken Tag Tournament 2" but it seems that probably in "Tekken 7", Jun returns in a canon appearance in the storyline!
Fans of the "Tekken" franchise know that Jun Kazama died at the hands of Ogre before the events of "Tekken 3" but Katsuhiro Harada hints that she might be alive and well after all and he debated "Tekken" fans on his twitter page about the story of "Tekken" and what really happened to Jun Kazama during "Tekken 3"
The debate started when user "UltraZeroX27" asked Katsuhiro Harada "This has been said a lot,but is Ogre holding Jun's head in TK3 arcade intro?" Harada replied with "I said "No" over 50times"
I said "No" over 50times RT@UltraZeroX27 This has been said a lot,but is Ogre holding Jun's head in TK3 arcade intro?
— Harada_TEKKEN (@Harada_TEKKEN) February 22, 2014
He was then asked by user "KazamaAsuka" to tell who is Ogre holding in his hand if the head is not Jun's head. Harada replied by saying "Someone"
"Someone". RT@KazamaAsuka Can you tell us what Ogre hold in his hand??! — Harada_TEKKEN (@Harada_TEKKEN) February 22, 2014
User "Beam_of_life" then refuted Harada by saying "lol you say no but, the game say yes. need a redo. Translation say, "Jin confront is mother's murder". Harada then clarified that it was only Jin thinking that his mother was killed and that what really happened is completely different.
"It's his "thinking". Jun is just missing. And It is an argument different from an image. Game say yes? Nah, I'm create that. And one more thing, I said "That is not Jun's head". I'm talking about that "movie(image pic)". Listen to me carefully, and you will understand what i really mean."
It's his "thinking". Jun is just missing. And It is an argument different from an image. Game say yes? Nah, …
— Harada_TEKKEN (@Harada_TEKKEN) February 22, 2014
"Beam_of_life" then replied by saying "anyone who play tk6 and watch the prologue knows the games pointed out Orge kill jun in the really story." Harada replied by saying "Read my previous tweet" and then he posted "I'm talking about that image pic. And I'm written Tekken story. Jin thinking = "The Ogre killed my mother". However, it is his viewpoint and an interpretation.He don't know the truth.I am making this talk the past at many interviews."
Read my previous tweet. RT @Beam_of_LIfe anyone who play tk6 and watch the prologue knows the games pointed… — Harada_TEKKEN (@Harada_TEKKEN) February 22, 2014
I'm talking about that image pic. And I'm written Tekken story. Jin thinking = "The Ogre killed my mother". …
— Harada_TEKKEN (@Harada_TEKKEN) February 22, 2014
With Harada's explanation it should be pretty clear now that Jun dying is really all in Jin's head. So should we gamers expect Jun in "Tekken 7"? Maybe! With the huge reception Jun got for her return in "Tekken Tag Tournament 2" it would be pretty crazy for Namco not to include Jun in "Tekken 7" even if it is just a story appearance since we know she's alive.