Godzilla Movie 2014: New Footage Showcasing The King Of Monsters Vs New Creature 'Hokmuto Released At SXSW! Detailed Scene Description Revealed!


Godzilla fans who went to SXSW were given a special treat as not only were they given a cool looking poster of Godzilla, they were also given the chance to view a scene from the movie where Godzilla is going to fight another giant creature called the Hokmuto!

One of the events at this year's SXSW festival was a special screening of the 1954 original version of Godzilla, SXSW announced that they would have Gareth Edwards in attendance to discuss his new version of Godzilla in a round of Q&A from the attendees.

Aside from the announced Q&A, Gareth Edwards brought one scene from the film as a treat for the Godzilla fans in attendace.

The following is the scene description of the footage shown at SXSW as told by Drew McWeeny of Hitfix:

"It takes place about 40 pages into the script, in Hawaii, where a military team has tracked a monster called the Hokmuto to where it is feeding on nuclear submarines."

"The military isn't alone, though. Onboard the USS Harry Truman, the character Honda, played by Ken Watanabe, is the first to notice something heading towards the aircraft carrier in the water. On the shore, tourists notice that something's wrong, and it's more than just the dense military presence offshore and in the sky overhead."

"There's a monorail train near the airport where Ford (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) is riding in from his flight, and he's watching a Japanese boy named Ichiro. Ford also sees the heavier-than-normal military presence, and it worries him."

"Things start to go crazy almost immediately. The power all over Honolulu starts to go out, trapping Ford and Ichiro and the other passengers. Tourists begin to flee when they realize there's a tsunami-sized wave rolling in from offshore. And Honda watches as something swims under the aircraft carrier, heading for landfall."

"Several of the shots from the new trailer for the film are from this one sequence, and we keep seeing hints of Godzilla, pieces of him, a tail as he heads behind a building or part of his body as he passes by or his giant dorsal fins cutting through the water."

"As the wave smashes through downtown Honolulu, the Hokmuto arrives at the airport, and it begins to smash the monorail tracks. Ford manages to save Ichiro, but just barely, and it looks like everyone at the airport is in danger as the creature smashes its way around the tarmac. There's an incredible tracking shot inside the airport, looking out through giant glass panels at the Hokmuto smashing airplanes and causing panic, and it's only as the camera stops that we see two very large feet, dwarfing the Hokmuto, step into frame."

"The shot ends as the camera pans up the full length of Godzilla's body, finally revealing him in all his pissed-off glory, and as he roars a challenge, the Hokmuto screeching its own challenge back at him, the clip finally cut to black."

And that's it. Pretty exciting stuff right? You can read more of Drew McWeeny's article at HitFix by clicking here.

The new "Godzilla" is scheduled for release in 2D and 3D on May 16, 2014. Bryan Cranston will be joined by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen and Ken Watanabe in the film.

According to Legendary Pictures, the film is "an epic rebirth to Toho's iconic Godzilla, this particular adventure, from Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures, pits the world's most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity's scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence."

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