Godzilla 2014 Monsters: Teaser Trailer Appearance By 'Hokmuto' Confirmed By Toy Picture Release! See All Images Of The Kaiju Here As Analysis Confirm New Creature Has 'Superpowers'


Godzilla 2014 fans from all over the world may be disappointed at themselves for not going to SXSW as during that time, new Godzilla 2014 footage was where the monster "Hokmuto" was shown. However as the new toy images of "Hokmuto" got leaked, fans don't need to wait for the Godzilla 2014 release date to see "Hokmuto" but they only need to look at the trailers to spot the new Godzilla 2014 monster!

That's right, "Hokmuto" has been in the trailers all along!

Look at these gifs from the trailers compared to the leaked toy images of "Hokmuto"

Clearly it was the "Hokmuto" shown in the trailer. Now if you look at the gif of "Hokmuto's" leg or whatever it is, striking the ground you can see a red pulse flash on the screen, this shows that "Hokmuto" has some "Superpowers". This "superpower" is probably the reason for the jet airplanes falling from the sky as seen in another gif shown above. EMP anyone?

What do you think? What are your theories regarding "Hokmuto"? Sound off in the comments below!

Oh and if you are wondering, click here to read our article on the SXSW footage containing the Godzilla 2014 monster "Hokmuto"!

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