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Although the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is still on, rock star Courtney Love thinks she has found the plane.
Recently, the singer went to Facebook to let over 300,000 of her fans know about her alleged discovery.
“I’m no expert, but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick,” Love writes beneath a image of the water area where experts and officials have been searching for signs of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and/or its wreckage. “Prayers go out to the families #MH370 and its like a mile away Pulau Perak, where they “last” tracked it 5°39'08.5"N 98°50'38.0"E but what do I know?”
The image was sloppily annotated with arrows pointing to where Love thinks the plan and oil are located.
As of now, Love's post has received a total of over 24,000 shares and likes.
If Love is right, it could mean that a singer beat out officials who have been stunt by this Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mystery for days.
I think Courney Love potentially finding the plane might be the most brilliant plot twist in a news story ever
— Jo Barrow (@JoBarrow) March 17, 2014
Love told the Daily Intelligencer that she came upon this discovery all by herself. “Yeah, I went to the satellite site and just uploaded tons and tons of pictures. I really doubt aliens took it. It’s got to be somewhere. I’m a little obsessive," said the widow of Kurt Cobain. However, Love wasn't the only one paying close attention to this particular spot in the ocean. Republican Steven Daglas was also drawn to it.
And this amazing overlay by redditor /u/MichaelFR85 (not the finder) helps see poss. Malaysian #MH370 more clearly — Steven Daglas (@sdaglas) March 16, 2014
Tomnod, a Digital Globe managed site with some 200 million map views since the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, debunked Love and Daglas by issuing a statement reported by The Wall Street Journal saying, "sometimes our eyes see what we want them to see.”