Pokemon XD Gale Of Darkness Cheats: Turn Back The Time And Acquire Rare First And Second Generation Pokemons! [VIDEO] Walkthrough and Tips Here!

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Pokemon XD Gale Of Darkness Cheats: Relive your early Pokemon playing days as your favorite Pokemons from the First and Second Generation find their way to the newest Pokemon Game, Pokemon XD Gale Of Darkness. In this article, tips and guide are provided on how to catch some of the rare ones.


To catch Dragonite you must pass through all the Shadow Pokemon (mostly caught by Miror B, if you did not catch them from the trainers). Then, the Miror Radar will go off and it will say Miror B will be in Geteon Port. He will be on the lighthouse at the very top. Battle him and he will use a level 50 Dragonite. Note: Be careful and save the game before you battle him.


You must do the news crew a favor to acquire Elekid. They will ask you to look for someone in the outskirts. His name is Hordel and he is from Cipher. He will give you a Togepi at level 25 and ask you to purify it for him. Once this is done, you can keep it or take it back to him. He will trade you an Elekid at level 20.

Johto starters

To acquire all three Johto starters complete Mt. Battle in Story mode to get one Johto Pokemon with their elemental hyper beam. Totodile will have Hydro Cannon. Cyndaquil will have Blast Burn. Chikorita will have Frenzy Plant. You can get all three starters by completing Mt. Battle a total of three times.


Catch a Wooper and give it to the man in Pyrite Town. He will trade you a level 20 Larvatar.


Lugia can be caught at Nickledark Island. He comes out at level 50 after you defeat Cipher Boss Deathgold. To purify Lugia, get full tempo in all nine chambers. Then, place Lugia in one of the sets and it will be purified.

To get an opportunity at snagging Lugia in the demo version, you must first snag the first 60. Then, go to the mountain with a Groundon statue and Lugia will fly there. You will them battle him; he is at level 50.

Reach the Cipher Boss and before you fight him, he will call Lugia. To catch him easily, you must have a Master Ball. To complete the game easily, you must get a Pokemon with high defense and attack. The Cipher Boss has the three legendary birds (Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos), a Rhydon, a Tauros, and a Executtor. All are Shadow Pokemon and have more than level 45. A good Pokemon to use is Umbreon, because he has a high defense depending of the level. When you catch Lugia, use him to fight against the Cipher Boss. He has a good resistance against Shadow Pokemon, and works better if you capture Salamanse.

There are multiple ways to get the Purification Chamber at full tempo for all nine sets (chambers). Try the following:

Format: Northwest - Northeast - Southwest - Southeast

Set 1: Surskit - Nuzleaf - Hoppip - Spheal

Set 2: Sableye - Baltay - Carvanha - Flaaffy

Set 3: Teddiursa - Pidgeotto - Meowth - Hitmonlee

Set 4: NInetales - Mawile - Numel - Lunatone

Set 5: Zangoose - Kangaskhan - Togepi - Spearow

Set 6: Venomoth - Weepinbell - Swinub - Shroomish

Set 7: Magneton - Snorunt - Makuhita - Ledyba

Set 8: Parasect - Poochyena - Spinarak - Ralts

Set 9: Espeon - Hitmonchan - Duskull - Houndoom

When all these Pokemon are in place, each tempo should be full light blue. Just put Shadow Lugia in Set 1 and it will give you a message about Shadow Lugia being different. Go to the Pokemon Lab (Starting Area) and step on the circle for the Purification Chamber. Shadow Lugia can now be purified from within the chamber. Note: After Lugia is purified, it returns to its normal blue and white colors and regains the moves: Psycho Boost, Featherdance, Earthquake, and Hydro Pump.

Fight Bonsly

Find Bonsly on the ship in the desert. He will try to escape from you. To lure him out, you need to put some food at the oasis Poke Spot. After awhile he will come to it. Then, go back to the old man. He will give a Battle Bingo card with Bonsly on it. Take it to the Battle Bingo place. Go into your pad and it will have the flash this card option. Pay 500 Poke Dollars to battle with Bonsly.

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