Jurassic World Casting Call: Attention Dino Fans From New Orleans! Source Says, ‘Film Producers Are Looking For Thousands Of Local Extras’

Jurassic World
Jurassic Park 4
Chris Pratt

After the successful Jurassic World casting call held in Hawaii a few weeks ago, the producers of the film will head to New Orleans for another audition. According to a source, the casting directors will be going to The Big Easy to find thousands of locals who are willing to play extra in the mega dino movie.

The Jurassic World casting call will be held at the cafeteria of the Grace King High School on March 29 and 30. Those who want to audition should be there before 12 noon as it starts exactly at that time and end at 6 p.m.

So what do the casting directors look for? Just like in Kauai, they are in search for men and women ages 5 to 85. Those who are in the military and with ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to audition.

Make sure to bring at least two of the following requirements if you are planning to go to the Jurassic World casting call: valid U.S. passport, permanent resident card, photo ID, driver's license, birth certificate or Social Security card.

Those who wouldn't be able to make it, still have a chance to star in the Jurassic World. Just email your most recent photo together with your contact information, height, and weight to louisiana@centralcasting.com.

The plot of the fourth installment of Jurassic Park will be directed by Colin Treverrow and based on the characters of Michael Crichton. The movie will star Chris Pratt, who is best known for his role as Andy Dwyer in the TV series Parks and Recreation. He will be joined by Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jake Johnson, Nick Robinson, Omar Sy, and Irrfhan Khan.

According to the film office of Louisiana, Jurassic World will start shooting in New Orleans on June 2 and will last for 11 weeks. So if you want to be featured in that film, then head to the Jurassic World casting call on Saturday and Sunday.

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