Gwyneth Paltrow And Chris Martin: How Are They Coping Up With The Conscious Uncoupling? Iron Man Star Admits, ‘It’s Much Harder For Me’

Gwyneth Paltrow
Chris martin
Split Up
Break up
Cameron diaz
Iron man

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin made the term "conscious uncoupling" famous when they used those words to announced their divorce a few days ago. That term makes marriage look more of a profession rather than a personal relationship.

The former husband and wife has two children: Moses is 7 years old and Apple is 9 years old. To show everyone that they are still good friends despite the break up, Gwyneth and Chris went on a holiday with their kids.

Even their close friends support the decision of the couple. Cameron Diaz told E! News, "For both Chris and Gwyneth, I mean they worked really hard. People want them to blow up and to be ugly, but they're kind, gorgeous, loving people who really care about one another." The actress added, "Just because they don't want to be a couple together, doesn't mean that they have to hate one another. They are really good friends."

That's good to know, so what are the plans of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin now that they are single again? In an interview with E! News, Iron Man's leading lady plans to take a year out so she can spend more time with her children.

The 41-year old actress said, "It's much harder for me. I feel like I set it up in a way that makes it difficult because...for me, like if I miss a school run, they are like, 'Where were you?' I don't like to be the lead so I don't have to work every day, you know, I have little things that I like and obviously I want it to be good and challenging and interesting and be with good people and that kind of thing."

Gwyneth also said, "So I have to go back to mommy...I have a rule about one movie a year, so I can't shoot anything for a while, but I'm developing some material and working on the site Goop and raising kids." Looks like the blonde beauty will be domesticated for awhile.

There are some people who are worried about Chris Martin because there were rumors that came out about Gwyneth cheating on him. The brother of the Coldplay frontman said, "He's bearing up OK. I love them both dearly, we all get on and there is no animosity. Me and my brother are very close."

A source told Radar, "The plan is for Gwyneth to remain in California, with their children. Chris will absolutely be moving back to London, but will commute back and forth to see the kids." Sounds like a good plan, don't you think? How do you feel about the Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin "conscious uncoupling"?

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