L.A. Clipper’s Owner, Donald Sterling, Made Racist Comments And It Was All Caught on Tape! NBA Superstars Lebron James, Magic Johnson Express Their Disappointment

Donald sterling
LA Clippers

Looks like L.A. Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, needs to find a new girlfriend; someone who doesn't mind dating old, rich, and incredibly racist men.

TMZ has recently released a shocking audio recording of Donald Sterling's conversation with his girlfriend, V. Stiviano. Sterling was apparently fuming after Stiviano posted a photo on Instagram where she poses next to Laker's legend Magic Johnson. Why is this infuriating to Sterling? Because he couldn't fathom why his girlfriend, who is black and Mexican, would associate herself with "black people". Oh, the irony of it all! He was caught on tape saying horrific things like:

..."It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associating with black people. Do you have to?"

..."You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that...and not bring them to my games."

Sterling has a long history of allegedly racist behavior. In fact, according to a post from Hufftington Post, the guy's been sued numerous times for racial discrimination. The US federal government alone has sued him twice for refusing to rent apartments to African Americans and Latinos.

Some NBA legends and superstars, including Magic Johnson, Lebron James, and Shaquille O'Neal, had already expressed their disappointment over the cruel and racist comments by Sterling, according to reports from TMZ. NBA is famous worldwide and has an image to consider. This type of behavior brings shame to the sport.

An NBA spokesman has already released the following statement: "We are in the process of conducting a full investigation into the audio recording obtained by TMZ. The remarks heard on the recording are disturbing and offensive, but at this time we have no further information."

Sterling and his people have yet to comment on the issue. He's probably still too busy disassociating himself with his biracial girlfriend.

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