'The Avengers' Video Game on Hiatus Until They Find 'The Right Partner,' According to Executive TQ Jefferson

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According to TQ Jefferson, until the right partner is found, "The Avengers" video game won't be in development.

Jefferson believes that since "The Avengers" are more mainstream now, Marvel is now looking for more intelligent licensed games.

“'The Avengers' game will come when we have the right partner, that has the right vision, that has the time to develop a strong, competitive triple-A title and wants to do it right,” he told IGN.

Jefferson added that Marvel won't sign a deal unless a potential partner is willing to develop a game that sticks to the true story and characters of "The Avengers."

“Gamers, they know better. They’re not going to flock to something that’s sub-par,” said Jefferson.

Jefferson suggested that the fact that Marvel has yet to launch an "Avengers" game is proof that the corporation rather take time to release quality than rush out "dirty" licensed games for a quick buck.

“We got a bloody nose on both of those,” he said. “We would rather not have a game than to just sign something to have something out on time.”

According to Metacritic , Marvel's latest video game, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," isn't doing so hot.

While Disney owns Marvel, fans can prepare for the "Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel Super Heroes" video game to debut in Fall.

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