Watch Dogs Update: 1080p And 60fps On The PS4! Specs Leaked Exclusively Through Ubisoft North American Website; Wii U Port Over Still In The Works


The latest Watch Dogs update leaks the game's running specs on the PS4. It's either Ubisoft is pulling a smart marketing ploy or the company inadvertently revealed exclusive info to the North American gaming market.

With the game's release a few weeks away, Ubisoft is gradually revealing details in gameplay. A DLC season pass is already available for preorder at the Playstation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. PlayStation 3 and 4 owners get the season pass content bundled with the full game, though, at $79.99.

The game may be sampled for $19.99, with limited content. T-Bone is the playable character with limited weapons, and in three single-player campaigns. The DLC is paired with the Untouchables pack, offered separately. The season pass bundle offers 25% savings, compared to separate DLC purchases.

Ubisoft kept the game's resolution and frame rate under wraps, apparently withholding these until the last minute. A recent North American promotion revealed these specs at 1080p and 60fps, the staple of next-gen console and gaming titles (

The ad is for the PS4 version of the game, offering "the True Watch_Dogs Experience" for PlayStation gamers. The title also comes with missions and content exclusive to the platform.

This Watch Dog update is exclusive to the North American website, and the same was not mentioned in the European, Latin American, and Japanese mirror sites, at least for the meantime. Apparently these are different markets, and Ubisoft USA may be testing the waters to see how the gaming community reacts.

Interestingly, the specs are left out in the online ad for the Microsoft Xbox One version, in the same North American website. The game is set to be released across the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms before the end of May, with a Wii U port over in the works and available by fall (

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