New RPG Games: 'Blood And Snow' To Be Released In The Coming Months; Shadowforge Offers An Expansive Open-World Title That’s Independent And Crowdfunded


Shadowforge serves up its offering of new RPG games, one of which is "Blood and Snow", an open-world title. Indie developer aims to take gamers on an immersive experience, extended play.

Blood and Snow is one of the independent company's titles, to be released in the coming months. The project is financed through crowdfunding; preorders and early subscribers offer a sampling of the gameplay as the developing team makes progress with the title's completion.

Blood and Snow is an open-world action RPG, with a very involved customization options. Aside from side quests and stories, the feel of an expansive world is enforced, Easter eggs of locations, characters, and items are littered throughout for gamers to discover on their own.

Customization is one of the strongest points of the game. Characters, weapons, and mounts may be customized, but without the need to purchase upgrades or reach a level of experience. Swords and armor may be customized down to the hilt, and then immediately battle-tested in mini-games.

Basic modules are pre-released for gamers, prior to subscription. The Shadowforge development team will choose which modules and custom options to include after a poll of the gaming community's preferences.

One of 2014's upcoming and new RPG Games, "Blood and Snow" isn't the first of crowdfunded games, many of which have achieved moderate success. Most games are already released complete, though, available for paid download at gaming consoles' online sites.

Crowdfunding is a different marketing approach, and development is financed through subscription and pre-purchasing. In many cases, the game's completion depends on the progress of the support.

Commitment between the developing company and consumers is crucial to the release of a game's final version. A lawsuit for consumer protection was recently filed in the US, concerning a crowdfunded title that was never released. Shadowforge is committed to deliver its new RPG game "Blood and Snow" to consumers, with the intended scale, features, and custom options intact (

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