The Amazing Spider Man 2 Cheats: [VIDEO] Find Out How To Gain Infinite XP, Unlock Bonus Costumes, And All Black Cat Journal Audio Logs!

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The Amazing Spider Man 2 Cheats: Most gamers would find The Amazing Spider Man 2 simply as a game adaptation, action-packed game where you just want to go along with the story. But there will always be gamers who wouldn't feel right if they miss out on something. For those who wants their game 100 percent complete, read on!

Infinite XP

Load the "Raid On Oscorp" mission. Proceed through the mission until you leave the air vents, and a cutscene will begin. Hold Select to skip the cutscene. Stealth kill four enemies, and then disposed of the final enemy as desired. After defeating the last enemy, pause the game. Select the "Restart" option, then choose "Yes" to restart from the last checkpoint, which is where you leave the air vents. Repeat this process until you reach the desired suit level. Note: The max suit level is 8.

Bonus costumes

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume. To change costumes, go to Peter Parker's closet at Aunt May's home. Open the "Wardrobe" menu to cycle through the available costumes.

Amazing Spider-Man (2012): Start the main campaign.

Amazing Spider-Man (2014): Start the main campaign.

Big Time: Clear one Russian hideout.

Cosmic Spider-Man: GameStop pre-order bonus.

Electro-Proof: PlayStation Network DLC.

Flipside: Clear one Russian hideout.

Hornet: Successfully complete all 15 race challenges.

Iron Spider Armor: GameStop pre-order bonus.

Noir Spider-Man: GameStop pre-order bonus.

Ricochet: Unlocked during Story mode progression.

Scarlet Spider (not original Ben Reilly version): Clear the Russian hideouts.

Spider-Armor: Clear one Russian hideout.

Spider-Carnage: Successfully complete the game on any difficulty.

Spider-Man 2099: Clear one Russian hideout.

Superior Spider-Man: Successfully complete all 12 combat challenges.

Symbiote: GameStop pre-order bonus.

Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Successfully complete Chapter 6.

Vigilante: Start the main campaign.

All Black Cat journal audio logs locations

Search the indicated locations to find all 10 Black Cat journal audio logs and get the "Lover" trophy. Note: All the other audio logs are not needed for any trophies in the game, and can be ignored. Five of Black Cat's journals can be found during Story missions. The other five are hidden in the open world. If you fully upgrade your Spider-Sense, they will be highlighted on the mini-map when you get close to them. Pause the game, and select the "Messages" tab to see exactly which logs have been found. Each journal has its own number, allowing you to keep track of which ones are missing.

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