Dead Rising 3 Cheats: Be Mega Man! Easy Level Up In Minutes, Vehicle And Weapon Combos, Blueprint Locations And More!


Having a hard time with Dead Rising 3? Here are some Dead Rising 3 cheats to help you finish the game and to make it more fun!

Mega Man X costume

Successfully complete Story mode with an "S" (best) rank to unlock the Mega Man X costume.

Mega Buster weapon

Successfully complete Nightmare mode with an "S" (best) rank to unlock the Mega Buster weapon.

Easy PP

To easily reach Level 50 (max level) and max out all attributes in Chapter 1, build the Ultimate Grim Reaper by first collecting the Grim Reaper, Fire Reaper, Death Mask Reaper, and Ultimate Grim Reaper blueprints. The necessary items to build all these weapons can be found at the same locations as the blueprints for these weapons. Then, find a large horde of zombies, and use the Ultimate Grim Reaper to easily kill them and get a high combo, resulting in lots of easy and quick PP. It is recommended to do this during the night, as more zombies appear at night. Make sure to get as high of a combo as possible when doing this to obtain a lot of extra PP. When the Ultimate Grim Reaper breaks, simply go back to a Safe House to get another one. Repeat this process until you have reached Level 50 and maxed out all attributes. Additionally, equip the Thrifty Trader book and level up the "Smarts" attribute to increase the amount of PP earned for each kill. Level up the "Melee" attribute to increase weapon durability so the Ultimate Grim Reaper last longer, and the "Inventory" attribute so you can carry more weapons. Note: To find more large hordes of zombies, defeat the Gang Leader to open up the map.

Vehicle combos and blueprint locations

Successfully complete the indicated task to get the corresponding vehicle blueprint. Combine the indicated vehicles to create the corresponding super vehicle:

1. Forkwork (Forklift + Fireworks Van): Successfully complete Chapter 4.

2. Junk Bike (Motorcycle + Sedan): It is on top of cable coils near Illegals Hideaway in Sunset Hills.

3. Junk Car (Sedan + Muscle Car): Successfully complete Chapter 2.

4. Junk Truck (Van + SUV): In Chapter 3, go to the Diamond Panty in Ingleton to find it on the bar.

5. Mini Bike (Motorcycle + Sports Bike): Enter the Motorbike Store in Sunset Hills, then go to the back alley to find it.

6. Mobile Locker (Van + Van): Reach Level 50 to purchase the blueprint.

7. Party Slapper (Street Cleaner + Party Van): It is between the gas station and garage in Sunset Hills.

8. RollerHawg (Motorcycle + Steamroller): Successfully complete Chapter 1.

9. Shockdozer (Bulldozer + Ambulance): It is at the entrance of the emergency room inside the SE Central City Hospital.

10. Turret Rig (Sedan + Steamroller): Successfully complete Chapter 1.

Weapon combos and blueprint locations

Successfully complete the indicated task to get the corresponding weapon blueprint. Combine the indicated items to create the corresponding weapon. Note: Blueprint locations are randomized. Each listed location contains a blueprint, but it may not be for the listed weapon.

1. Acid Jar (Household Cleaner + Chemicals): In Chapter 3, it is inside the building you burn the supplies in South Almuda during the story mission for the Illegal's Hideout.

2. Acid Rain (Flare Gun + Chemicals): Successfully complete Chapter 6.

3. Acid Toy (Toy Robot + Chemicals): It is inside Sculpt Yourself clinic in southern Central City.

4. Beer Hat (Construction Hat + Keg): Purchase the "Smarts - Food Mechanic" attribute.

5. BlamBow (Crossbow + Roman Candle): Successfully complete Chapter 5.

6. Bomb Toy (Robot Bear + Gasoline Canister): It is near the pool at the hotel in Central City.

7. Boom Cannon (Shotgun + Grenades): Search inside Illegals Hideaway in Sunset Hills to find it.

8. Boomer Axe (Hatchet + Hub Cap): In Chapter 4, it is in the upstairs office building in Ingleton Taxi Company.

9. Car Bomb (RC Car + Grenade): It is in the garage of the house between Illegal's Hideout and the tennis court in Sunset Hills.

10. Chest Beam (Microwave + Motorcycle Engine): In Chapter 7, it is in Speedy Expresso in the Museum Of The Americas in Central City.

11. Chop'N'Talk (Battleaxe + Game Console): It is on the roof of the hairdresser's shop in Ingleton. Alternately, it is on the roof of Shavey's Garage in Ingleton.

12. Chopper (Fire Axe + Hatchet): It is on the roof next to Illegals Hideaway, which is located in south Ingleton. Alternately, it is on the roof of U Break Wi Fix in Ingleton.

13. Chuck Axe (Fire Axe + Harpoon Gun): In Chapter 5, it is at the ocean exhibit in the Museum Of The Americas in Central City.

14. Defiler (Sledgehammer + Fire Axe): Locate the half-built house in Sunset Hills. It is inside this house.

15. Dragon Punch (Motorcycle Engine + Boxing Gloves): It is inside the Sunny Luck Fortune Store in south Ingleton.

16. DynaMeat (Hunk of Meat + Dynamite): In Chapter 2, go to the plane hanger to find it on the workbench.

17. Electric Chair (Wheelchair + Battery): In Chapter 7: Memory Lane, it is in Meryl's House in Sunset Hills.

18. Electric Crusher (Sledgehammer + Battery): In Chapter 2, it is near the sewer entrance.

19. Electric Rake (Leaf Rake + Battery): It is in the Train Repair in South Almuda.

20. Explosive Chair (Wheelchair + Dynamite): It is near the Amphitheater in south Central City.

21. Fighting Gloves (Game Console + Toy Gun): In Chapter 6, it is inside the garage after you clear the Artist's House during the story mission in Sunset Hills.

22. Fire Arrows (Crossbow + Motor Oil): At the start of Chapter 3, it is on an end table in the Diamond Panty strip club.

23. Flamethrower (Leaf Blower + Cooking Oil): Retrieve Rhonda instead of killing Gary in Chapter 7 to unlock it as a reward.

24. Flaming Gloves (Boxing Gloves + Motor Oil): In Chapter 6, it is in the Collector's House in Sunset Hills.

25. Flaming Helmet (Dragon Head + Motor Oil): Go to south Ingleton, then search the far right side court in the Zen Dragon Temple to find it.

26. Flaming Sword (Broadsword + Motor Oil): In Chapter 3, it is in the hallway locker in Sunset Hills High School.

27. Glove Gun (Cardboard Cutout + Pogo Stick)

28. Hail Mary (Grenade + Football): It is inside the loading deck of The Package Force in Ingleton.

29. Heavy Metal (Lead Pipe + 2×4): Go to Rhonda's Garage in Ingleton, then search the top of the black bus to find it.

30. Helmet Bomb (Afro Wig + Dynamite): It is inside Felicia in the central area of Central City, on the lower level on the east side of the building.

31. I.E.D. (Propane Tank + Gasoline Canister): In Chapter 2, it is inside a room in the basement of the mortuary.

32. Iron Edge (Meat Cleaver + Machete): In Chapter 2, it is in the main room of mortuary.

33. Jack In The Box (Cardboard Box + Toy Robot): It is inside Rhonda's Garage in Ingleton.

34. Jazz Hands (MMA Gloves + Handgun): In Chapter 7, it is inside the strip club you access during the story mission.

35. Junk Ball (Outdoor Trash Can + Garbage Bag): In Chapter 7: Single White Male, it is in Crystal Of The Sea in Central City.

36. Knife Gloves (Boxing Gloves + Chef Knife): It is in the "Under Construction" area near the Burgess Hotel in Central City.

37. Laser Sword (Flashlight + Gems): It is inside a parking garage near the crossway of Central City and Sunset Hills.

38. Mauler (Machete + Katana Sword): In Chapter 5, it is in the lobby of the Museum Of The Americas in Central City.

39. Metal Mary (Football + Bowie Knife): In Chapter 2, it is near the sewer exit.

40. Mini Chainsaw (Chainsaw + Meat Cleaver): Successfully complete the "Craven Consultant" side mission.

41. Napalm Bomb (Propane Tank + Motor Oil): Successfully complete Chapter 3.

42. Party Gloves (Boxing Gloves + Toy Robot): It is inside the toy store north of Food Fun Shack in Sunset Hills.

43. Pole Weapon (Spear + Hat Rack): It is near Motel Safehouse in Ingleton.

44. Pukes O Hazard (Chemicals + Lead Pipe): In Chapter 6, it is near the shed, outside the Collector's House in Sunset Hills.

45. Pummel Blast (Sledgehammer + Grenade): In Chapter 3, it is in Warehouse C-114 in South Almuda.

46. Remote Detonator (Dynamite + Laptop): It is inside the main Illegals Safehouse in Sunset Hills.

47. Roaring Thunder (Blanka Mask + Battery): It is inside Food Fun Shack in Sunset Hills.

48. Rocket Punch (Acetylene Tank + Boxing Gloves): In Chapter 4, it is in a truck in Ingleton Taxi Company in Ingleton.

49. Sabre Shot (Sawed-Off Shotgun + Machete): It is in Sunset Hills.

50. Sentry Cat (LCD Monitor + Keg): It is in the viaduct at the start of Chapter 7.

51. Shocking Touch (MMA Gloves + Battery): It is inside the Robsaka Digital in Central City.

52. Sledge Saw (Sledgehammer + Cement Saw): In Chapter 00, it is obtained at the diner.

53. Spiked Bat (Baseball Bat + Box Of Nails): Go to the northwest block in Ingleton, then go towards the first house on the northwest side. It is in the garage of this house.

54. Spiked Bucket (Meat Cleaver + Bucket): It is inside Big Bull's Butchery Kitchen in Ingleton.

55. Split Shot (Lead Pipe + Assault Rifle): In Chapter 4, it is in a truck inside Ingleton Taxi Company in Ingleton.

56. Sticky Bomb (Grenade + Scissors): In Chapter 4, it is in the truck by the south exterior wall of Ingleton Taxi Company in Ingleton.

57. Super Crossbow (Motorcycle Engine + Crossbow): In Chapter 4, it is in the storage garage of Central Storage in Sunset Hills. Central Storage is underneath Central Bridge between Central City and Sunset Hills.

58. Super Massager (Leaf Blower + Massager): It is on the second floor of the strip club in Almuda.

59. Tactical Handgun (Handgun + Flashlight): Successfully complete Chapter 00.

60. Tenderizers (MMA Gloves + Car Exhaust): It is in the back hall of the boxing gym in Ingleton.

61. The Slapper (Broom + Boxing Gloves): It is inside the Uno Grande Outlet in South Almuda.

62. Weapon Cart (Shopping Cart + Pitchfork): It is inside the tunnel leading from Sunset Hills Subway Station to the Supply Warehouse.

63. Z.A.R. (Assault Rifle + Shotgun): In Chapter 03, enter the Central City Police Station to find it.

64. Zombie Raker (Katana Sword + Leaf Rake): It is at the doorway at Illegals Hideaway in Sunset Hills.

Super weapon combos and blueprint locations

Successfully complete the indicated task to get the corresponding super weapon blueprint. Combine the indicated items to create the corresponding super weapon. Note: Blueprint locations are randomized. Each listed location contains a blueprint, but it may not be for the listed weapon.

1. Grim Reaper (Scythe + Katana): It is on a shack (left of the "Package Force" sign) in the alley behind Rhonda's Garage in southwestern Ingleton. Climb on the dumpster, then on top of the awning to jump to the shack to reach it.

2. Fire Reaper (Grim Reaper + Gasoline Canister): It is on the roof of a small building across from the Gun Store and near Souther Safehouse in central Ingleton. Use the truck to climb on the roof of the building next to it, then jump onto the roof of the shack.

3. Death Mask Reaper (Grim Reap + Reaper Mask): It is on a display case inside Shanks blade store in central Ingleton, which is located right next to a burger restaurant.

4. Ultimate Grim Reaper (Death Mask Reaper + Gasoline Canister, or Fire Reaper + Reaper Mask): It is in an empty lot on the west side of Lee-Amies Estates in northeastern Ingleton behind a tall white brick fence, accessed by climbing onto a large dumpster.

5. Mecha Dragon (Dragon Head + Parasol): It is in the courtyard of the Zen Dragon Temple in south Ingleton.

6. Mecha Dragon Blade (Mecha Dragon + Katana): It is on top of a small shack near the sewer entrance on the east side of Ingleton.

7. Flame Mecha Dragon (Mecha Dragon + Firecrackers): It is inside a house in the northwestern corner of Ingleton.

8. Ultimate Mecha Dragon (Flame Mecha Dragon + Katana Sword, or Mecha Dragon Blade + Firecrackers): It is on the roof of the building diagonally opposite to Rhonda's Garage in Ingleton. Enter the building to the north, and go up the stairs to access the roof.

9. Freedom Bear (Robot Bear + LMG): It is on the roof of the building next to Severed Ties in Sunset Hills.

10. Boom Bear (Freedom Bear + Dynamite): It is on the tennis courts near the mansions in Sunset Hills.

11. Cuddly Bear (Freedom Bear + Portable Stereo): It is on the roof of the toy store near the karaoke bar in Sunset Hills.

12. Decoy Bear (Cuddly Bear + Wheelchair, or Pushy Bear + Portable Stereo): It is on the rooftop overlooking the downtown tennis court in Sunset Hills.

13. Pushy Bear (Freedom Bear + Wheelchair): It is in lounge of the art studio near the northeast barricade in Sunset Hills.

14. Provoked Bear (Cuddly Bear + Dynamite, or Boom Bear + Portable Stereo): It is in a house right next to the Mayor's Den in Sunset Hills.

15. Volatile Bear (Boom Bear + Wheelchair, or Pushy Bear + Dynamite): It is on top of a house between the tennis court and Illegals Hideaway in Sunset Hills.

16. Grisly Bear (Provoked Bear + Wheelchair, Volatile Bear + Portable Stereo, or Decoy Bear + Dynamite): It is in the back area of the high school in Sunset Hills.

17. Big Bomb (RPG + Propane Tank): It is on a small ledge over Felicia's Clothing Store in Central City.

18. Bigger Bomb (Big Bomb + Grenade): It is inside the Cleroux Art Gallery in Central City.

19. Huge Bomb (Bigger Bomb + Gasoline Canister): It is between Link'd Office and Albert's Apparel in Central City.

20. Enormous Bomb (Huge Bomb + Microwave): Successfully complete Chapter 7.

21. Massive Bomb (Enormous Bomb + Laptop): Successfully complete Chapter 8.

22. Buffet Cart (Drink Cart + Ham): Purchase the "Smarts" attribute in Tier 2.

23. Meat Buffet Cart (Buffet Cart + Lettuce): Purchase the "Smarts" attribute in Tier 2.

24. Drink Buffet Cart (Buffet Cart + Large Soda): Purchase the "Smarts" attribute in Tier 2.

25. Ultimate Buffet Cart (Beat Buffet Cart + Large Soda, or Drink Buffet Cart + Lettuce): Purchase the "Smarts" attribute in Tier 2.

26. Electric Staff (Battery + Traffic Light): It is inside a gated courtyard at the back of the warehouses in South Almuda.

27. Electroice Staff (Electric Staff + Liquid Nitrogen): It is in the office on the second floor of the Los Perdidos Fire Department in eastern South Almuda.

28. Electrofire Staff (Electric Staff + Propane Tank): It is inside the power plant area on the northeast side of South Almuda. Climb onto a green box on the east side to access the upper area where the blueprint is located.

29. Elemental Staff (Electroice Staff + Propane Tank, or Electrofire Staff + Liquid Nitrogen): It is on the roof of the Almuda Cold Storage building, which is adjacent to the western Safe House in South Almuda. Climb out the Safe House window on the east side of the building to access the roof.

30. Power Shout (Pylon + Speaker): It is towards the south of Construction Yard in Almuda.

31. Electric Shout (Power Shout + Battery): It is on the roof of a garage in South Almuda.

32. Super Shout (Power Shout + Portable Stereo): It is on the roof of a clothing store in Almuda.

33. Ultimate Shout (Super Shout + Battery, or Electric Shout + Portable Stereo): It is on the roof of the Autobody Shop in Almuda.

34. Tactical RC (RC Helicopter + Machete): It is on the roof of the coffee shop next to Burgess Hotel in Central City.

35. Tactical RC Bomber (Tactical RC + Grenade): It is on the roof of a liquor store in Central City.

36. Tactical RC Gunner (Tactical RC + Assault Rifle): It is on top of crashed truck parked outside the LPPD building in Central City.

36. Tactical UAV (Tactical RC Bomber + Assault Rifle, or Tactical RC Gunner + Grenade): In is at the far north of the Museum Of The Americas between Central City and Sunset Hills.

Book locations

Search the indicated locations to find special books that increase attributes. Note: You can only equip one book at a time, but all books will automatically be equipped when you reach Level 50.

Eater's World: It is at the western Safe House in South Almuda. This book increases the amount of life recovered from eatables.

Fortune Fighter: Successfully complete Chapter 3. Then, go to Illegal's Hideout in Sunset Hills to find it. This book allows you to cause more damage with firearms.

Four Wheel Fun: It is at the eastern Safe House in South Almuda. This book reduces the amount of damage taken from vehicles.

Lone Blade: Successfully complete the "Signs Of Safety" side mission for Anna. Then, go to the northern Safe House in Ingleton to find it. This book allows you to increase the overall durability for your equipped weapon.

Stunt Devil: It is inside the southern Safe House in Ingleton. This book makes unarmed attacks deal more damage.

Thrifty Trader: It is on a table inside the southeast Safe House in Central City. This book gives extra PP (Prestige Points) for each kill.

Undead Solutions: It is inside the northwest Safe House in Sunset Hills. This book reduces the detection sight of zombies, making them not able to detect you from within a large distance.

"S" rank (best) ending

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