Monster Hunter 4 Release Date 2015: The Japanese Version Delivers Reasonable Difficulty, Excellent A.I. What Gamers Actually Expect


The Monster Hunter 4 release date for 2015 is yet to be confirmed. A relatively low-key title caught in the war of next-gen consoles deserves more credit, though.

Capcom is foregoing stunning visual graphics in exchange for excellent dynamics, user interface, and adaptive A.I. Next-gen is usually associated with pixel counts, resolutions, and fps, the sales pitch of powerhouse consoles Xbox One and Playstation 4. Capcom takes a step back and focuses on one aspect which sustains gameplay: responsive, adaptive A.I.

Monster Hunter 4 is set to be released to the Nintendo 3DS as Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, early next year. The title should sustain the 3DS as a portable gaming option, in competition with the PSP Vita.

Nintendo is no stranger to innovation, and it has previously introduced titles considered groundbreaking in the industry, new frontier for gamers. One of its most celebrated offerings was Super Mario 64, on the N64.

Super Mario 64 broke new ground in depth of gameplay, especially in transitioning gamers from two-dimensional to real three-dimensional worlds. Monster Hunter 4 aims to follow through with appeal hardcore gamers can appreciate.

The most notable of features is the A.I. response to battle attacks. Enemies dodge projectiles and propel their own from a safe distance, and when engaged in close combat, will wait for the right opportunity to deal the appropriate attack.

Lay back and monsters become dormant, ambush and expect an enraged melee. Gamers become part of a world where the hunters can easily become prey.

A.I. difficulty in other titles can be tweaked so gamers face impossible odds, like rapid gunfire from merciless bots and projectiles that always find their mark. Monster Hunter 4 offers a world of various creatures with different, complex personalities, a reward for gamers out for a reasonable, lasting challenge (

The Japanese version is already available prior to the Monster Hunter 4 release date in the US and Europe.

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