Watchdogs Release Date: Watchdogs Has Finally Gone Gold! What Are The Inclusions In The Package And How Much Would It Cost Gamers?

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Watchdogs Release Date: Ubisoft has just announced that Watch Dogs has gone Gold. This obviously means that there won't be any additional delay, unless of course the French company pulls another AC4 last-minute delay on us.

"Gone gold" means that the gold "master" CD has been delivered to manufacturing (the CD may or may not actually be gold. The term derived from the fact that CD-R media used to be gold colored. "Gone green", "Gone blue", or "Gone silver" just doesn't have the same feel as "Gone gold"). This is the CD from which all shipping CDs are pressed (shipping CDs are pressed, not burned like the master CD). Depending on the manufacturing run, a game that has "gone gold" may ship to stores in as little as a few days or as late as a few months.

Watch Dogs' creative director, Jonathan Morin, had this to say:

"It's exciting to be gold. But it'll be more exciting when people are playing. For the fans it means that it's true. It means there will be no such thing as another delay. But for us, it's not done until they actually have it in their hands."

Lead Gameplay Designer Danny Belanger added:

"We tried to make a game that's very scalable in the sense that it supports your play style. It supports what you want to do most of the time. And it also supports your motivation. Do you want to play a story? Do you want to drive? Do you want to shoot? Do you want to hack? Do you want to play with others? Do you want to play on a tablet? It allows players to do what they feel like, which I find really cool. There are lots of things to explore, there's lots of things to try. I think the greatest thing about Watch Dogs is doing what you think is fun."

If you were to purchase every special edition available for Ubisoft's open-world adventure Watch Dogs, you would spend just over $1,240.

This includes all region-exclusive editions, such as Australia and New Zealand's ANZ Special Edition and the Europe, Australia and Asia-only Vigilante Edition, the only version that offers a wearable replica of protagonist Aiden Pierce's hat. You come away with 10 copies of the game - and don't forget about the season pass. Of course, you wouldn't be able to play every version because of console region-locking.

Watch Dogs is currently scheduled for a May 27th release.

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