Lego the Hobbit Cheats: Unlock Secret Characters Like Gollum And Sauron, Acquire Infinite Loots, And Know How To Multiply Your Studs Easily!

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Lego the Hobbit Cheats: Most gamers would find Lego the Hobbit simply as a game adaptation, action-packed game where you just want to go along with the story. But there will always be gamers who wouldn't feel right if they miss out on something. For those who wants their game 100 percent complete, read on!

Cheat mode

Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Characters unlocked with codes cannot be saved. Thus, you must re-enter codes to activate the characters again each time you quit and restart the game.

Result Code

  • Alfrid FAVZTR
  • Azog 84ZZSI
  • Bain W5Z6AC
  • Bard UER3JG
  • Barliman Butterbur XTVM8C
  • Barrow Wight 555R9C
  • Beorn KEID2V
  • Bolg ZIBYHO
  • Braga MXUXKO
  • Elros H2CAID
  • Fimbul THAVRM
  • Galadriel 00TE7J
  • Gollum 3CE37P
  • Grinnah TPD7YW
  • Lindir V4Y5HZ
  • Master of Laketown 9NOK35
  • Narzug 4FYKKB
  • Necromancer NM3I2O
  • Percy 74KN31
  • Peter Jackson! 5OJEUC
  • Rosie Cotton TB4S6J
  • Sauron OARA3D
  • Thror SYKSXF
  • Tom Bombadil 4Y95TJ
  • Witchking V8AHMJ
  • Yazneg S6VV33

Infinite loot

Fast travel to Hobbiton. When you arrive, select "Bofur" as your character. Then, follow the river east until you see a box full of bread on the right. Destroy the box, and collect the wood and bread. Next, go straight through the fence to reach a small cave that contains random loot that can be mined. The random loot can be gold, silver, copper, iron, sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond, or stone. After collecting the loot in the small cave, turn left to see a box of fish next to the bridge. Destroy the box of fish, and collect the items. After collecting the loot, pause the game, select "View Map", and choose to fast travel to Hobbiton again. All loot will respawn. Repeat this process as many times as desired. This trick allows you to obtain enough loot to forge all the weapons and tools in the game.

Stud multiplier locations

Successfully complete the indicated tasks to obtain all stud multipliers. Stud multipliers can be activated in conjunction with one another. Collect and activate all five stud multipliers to receive a x3840 stud multiplier, giving you 3840 studs for every one stud collected.

x2 Studs

Mithril Flail schematic location: At the beginning of the "Over Hill And Under Hill" level, change to an elf, then shoot arrows into the yellow slots on the cliffs. Swing on the arrows to reach the schematic. Then, forge the Mithril Flail item in the Bree blacksmith shop.

Red Brick location: Successfully complete the quest in Hobbiton during the daytime. The person giving the stud quest is in the far northern section of the map. Trade the Mithril Flail item to be able to purchase the x2 studs multiplier for 500,000 studs.

x4 Studs

Mithril Shadow Blade schematic location: Go south and slightly east of Bree, and look for large yellow and purple sign post with arrows. Follow the yellow arrows; if you see a purple arrow, go the opposite direction to find the next yellow arrow. If you go the correct way, two yellow arrows will appear above some loose dirt. Dig in that area to find a key, then jump over to a special altar. Give it some crafting items, which can be purchased in Erebor, to obtain the schematic. Then, forge the Mithril Shadow Blade item in the Bree blacksmith shop.

Red Brick location: Travel to the High Pass east of Rivendell. Climb down the giant Lego brick cliff, swing across the gap, and then climb up to find the person giving the stud quest. Trade the Mithril Shadow Blade item to be able to purchase the x4 studs multiplier for 1,500,000 studs.

x6 Studs

Mithril Construction Hat schematic location: On the road between Dol Guldur and Rhovanion, locate the goblin wall, and climb up it with a goblin character. Jump across the platforms, and plant a flower to reach the jump pads above. While on the mountain path, go to the cave entrance, and solve the puzzle by moving the large block to the high ledge. Then, set a fire, and smash the chest to get the schematic. Forge the Mithril Construction Hat item in the Bree blacksmith shop.

Red Brick location: The person giving the stud quest is on the southern shores of Moria, next to a Lego tent near the water. Trade the Mithril Construction Hat item to be able to purchase the x6 studs multiplier for 4,500,000 studs.

x8 Studs

Mithril Beanstalk schematic location: In the snowy Pass Of Caradhras, far south of Rivendell, is a cave covered with mithril rocks. Smash the rocks to find the schematic inside, near a snowman. Then, forge the Mithril Beanstalk item in the Bree blacksmith shop.

Red Brick location: On the path south of Bree's entrance from Hobbiton is the person giving the stud quest, on the edge of a cliff. Trade the Mithril Beanstalk item to be able to purchase the x8 studs multiplier for 10,000,000 studs.

x10 Studs

Mithril Candle Staff schematic location: South of Dol Guldur in the forest, look for sparkling wooden bricks covering a cave entrance. Use the ring with Bilbo to destroy the planks. There is a locked altar inside that requires three hidden keys. Dig up the loose dirt on the right, shoot the target under the owl in the tree to the left, and break the bricks in the foreground left to collect all three keys. Use the three keys to open the locked altar and obtain the schematic. Then, forge the Mithril Candle Staff item in the Bree blacksmith shop.

Red Brick location: In the elven forest west of Dol Guldur, the person giving the stud quest will appear in the trees. Trade the Mithril Candle Staff item to be able to purchase the x10 studs multiplier for 20,000,000 studs. Note: Successfully complete the other optional quests first for this stud quest to become available.

Easy studs

First, unlock and activate as many stud multipliers as possible. Then, travel to Bree to find two purple studs (worth 10,000 each at x1 multiplier) in the center square of town, and collect them. After collecting the purple studs, enter the nearby interior shop, and then go back outside to make the purple studs respawn. Repeat this process as many times as desired. If you have unlocked and activated all five stud multipliers, you will earn 38,400,000 studs for each purple stud collected.

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