Titanfall PC Expedition DLC Patch Introduces Huge Cheat Exploit Bug! Smart Pistol Instant Lock-On Glitch Means Easy Kills For Players!


The Titanfall Expedition DLC and patch put out a bunch of new features in the game but unfortunately, it also introduced a cheat exploit glitch that would make players with better hardware than you to kill you almost instantly.

Youtuber, FrothyOmen, has uploaded a video showing the game breaking Smart Pistol instant lock on that would instantly kill you.

The way this works is that if you have a higher FPS, the faster the smart pistol or any auto targeting weapon would lock on to you and kill you. On 144 fps, it would deliver and instant kill.

This is undoubtedly very unfair for players who don't know this. It can be exploited by players by getting higher FPS by lowering the graphics settings.

It would make the game uglier, but the player would win more matches.

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