Kingdom Hearts 3 Confirmed To Have Marvel And Star Wars In-Game Universe? Square Enix Allegedly Teases Fans To Don't Skip The Credits! Bonus Stinger Details Rumored!


Kingdom Hearts 3 is probably one of the most anticipated games this generation and the hype for the game keeps getting bigger as the Kingdom Hearts 3 Marvel and Star Wars involvement rumors keep popping out left and right.

While speaking with Finaland during last week's Japan Expo in Paris, Nomura admitted that he'd like to see content from both the Star Wars and Marvel franchises in the Kingdom Hearts universe at some point. However, it's a tougher process than you might expect.

According to Nomura, Disney has several restrictions when it comes to its franchises. He believes "it would be great if we could add those licenses as well," though "there are lots of rules and restrictions by Disney so we can't actually put in everything people want. So it's quite a difficult decision, but we're going to prepare some surprises for you so, just wait for the information."

This surprise is the widely rumored cameo of Iron Man. Just like in the Marvel movies, just after the final credits of the game rolls up, a scene involving Iron Man recruiting Sora to defeat Darth Vader will be included.

Of course these are just rumors but with the game devs themselves admitting that Marvel and Star Wars characters being in the game is something that they want to do as well makes it possible that it will actually happen.

But what do you think? Will this crossover happen? Sound off in the comments below!

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