Apps For Android: HappyPlayTime App For iPhone Trashed! Apple Rejects Game For Being ‘Too Sexual’! How Sexual Could This Game Actually Get?

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Apps For Android: HappyPlayTime is an instructional game which teaches women how to masturbate, something every human being does whether they will publicly admit it or not.

In the official website, HappyPlayTime is described as a sex education game whose aim is to eliminate the stigma around female masturbation.

The game's mascot is Happy, "your friendly neighborhood vulva". Its advocacy is stated below.

"Loving your body, in every way, is not a sin. No more shame, no more secrets. This little vulva is on a mission: to free the world from a silly social stigma."

"Sexuality is one of the most basic instincts of human beings. Being comfortable with your own sexual pleasure is a prerequisite to both being able to healthily accept pleasure from others, and pleasing others. How can you exchange pleasure with someone else if you don't understand what your own body likes? That's why masturbation and learning how to masturbate is such a fundamental life lesson."

"Unfortunately for many women, there has been a cultural stigma that blocks access to self-stimulation. HappyPlayTime is here to eliminate this barrier as much as possible. By talking openly and lightheartedly about female masturbation, we are taking the first step to becoming truly sexually liberated."

According to the game's designer Tina Gong, Apple rejected the iOS game because it was "not something that Apple wants to go forward with."

"I knew I was taking a chance with building the game natively but I was optimistic, as our app was created with a mission and with the best of intentions," said Gong, who had hoped the sex-education game would help dispel taboos regarding female fiddling.

Gong said she considered pressing the issue by starting a petition, but felt it would be "a waste of energy to argue with them."

HappyPlayTime is still in development for Android, and should Google reject it as well, interested parties will be able to play the web-based browser version once development is completed.

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