Fallout 4 News: Ideal Home Base For Players Being Discussed! Rumors Say It Would Be Patterned To AC Where NPCs Can Take Shelter As Well!

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Fallout 4 Updates: It has been four years since Fallout New Vegas got released and fans are calling for Bethesda to create a fourth sequel to the highly successful franchise. Some fans even speculated that Fallout 4 is already in the makings behind closed curtains.

While things are still blurry with Fallout 4, fans never stopped discussing about the game. In the latest buzz, the Fallout community touched on the subject on the house for the protagonist. Bethesda's long list of RPGs has been offering a personal gaming experience to the players thanks to the ability to own a house.

If all the great features are bundled together for Fallout 4, things will definitely be awesome for the players. In terms of a house, one fan hopes to stay in a castle where various NPC can take shelter as well. Take for example, the base of operations in Assassin's Creed 2.

The Elder Scrolls franchise has houses that are feature-packed. Things like beds, storage space and weapons holder should all be part of Fallout 4.

On the other hand, fans are hoping for a property market to be in place. There players will get to shop for their ideal property instead of being limited to a fixed house. With the interactivity of a Fallout game, it will surely be more personal for the players.

In spite of the excitement for Fallout 4, the game is still a mysterious subject. Bethesda has yet to announce anything on the fourth sequel and fans are worried that they might end up like the folks at Half Life.

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