Ben Affleck Batman Costume: In the upcoming "Batman vs Superman" movie, Batman will be seen returning to a familiar blue, grey and yellow colour scheme, according to Kevin Smith.
Recently, Director Zack Snyder posts pic of Ben Affleck as Batman from "Man of Steel" sequel. The Academy Award winner looks like he was torn out of panel from Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns," New York Daily News reported.
According to The Guardian, Smith said fans should not read too much into a recently released monochrome shot of the Batsuit. He said that Affleck's "Caped Crusader" outfit that he saw in a colored version resembled the one worn by the superhero in The Dark Knight Returns comic book, which is blue, yellow and grey.
"If you want to see what this ... suit looks like, you just go to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, go to the third book, Hunt the Dark Knight. It's the exact ... outfit he's wearing," said Smith.
In January, Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck's wife, confirms to The Guardian the revolutionary nature of the Batsuit.
"I've seen the suit," she said. "[It's] unbelievably cool. It's a total reinvention, it looks great."
Early this year, Smith revealed the change from previous big screen iterations of the suit.
"You have not seen this costume in film before. Because every other movie has done this Matrix, X-Men black armour thing. There wasn't a single nipple on this fricking suit," the director and one of Affleck's closest friend said.
The Guardian described the evolution of the Batsuit color scheme which "has regularly been depicted in a blue, yellow (usually his belt) and grey colour scheme in the comics. But Tim Burton plumped for a simple black and yellow combination for his 1989 film Batman, starring Michael Keaton as the caped crusader. Joel Schumacher opted for a similar all-black look for 1995's Batman Forever, starring Val Kilmer, but dropped the yellow belt. George Clooney then lost the yellow from his Batman emblem altogether for 1997's ill-fated Batman and Robin, but Christopher Nolan restored a gold belt for his trilogy of films starring Christian Bale."
"Batman vs Superman" which was directed by Zack Snyder, remains untitled. The movie is a sequel to last year's Man of Steel. It was originally scheduled for a 2015 release but has now been put back by Warner Bros to May 2016.