Half Life 3 And Left 4 Dead 3 Confirmed After Co-Creator ‘Minh “Gooseman” Le’ Leaked The Information In A Video Interview! More Action Coming Your Way!

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Half Life 3

Great news for Half Life and Left 4 Dead fans as Counter-Strike's co-creator 'Minh "Gooseman" Le' has spilled the beans and confirmed both Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3. In a recent video interview, Gooseman revealed that Valve is currently working on both of the aforementioned titles. And while Gooseman was a bit hesitant about Half Life 3, he mistakenly thought that Valve had already confirmed Left 4 Dead 3 and shared his thoughts about it.

Regarding Half Life 3, Gooseman had this to say:

"I think it's kinda public knowledge, that people know that it is being worked on. And so if I were to say that yeah, I've seen some images, like some concept art of it, that wouldn't be big news to be honest. But yeah, I mean like I guess I could say that I did see something that looked kinda like in the Half-Life universe. And I mean it wouldn't surprise anyone if I said they're doing it, they're working on it, yeah. So to go on a limb I'd say I did see some concept art for Half-Life 3."

But what about Left 4 Dead 3? As said, Gooseman thought that Valve had already announced it and revealed that he has already seen an early build of it running. Not only that, but Gooseman said that Left 4 Dead 3 looked great.

"You know, the one thing I'm really excited about is Left 4 Dead, the new Left 4 Dead. I saw it, it looks great. I was really excited when I saw that, I was like "wow, this looks great". Cos I really enjoyed Left 4 Dead, it was just one of those games that really just changed the industry. I think at the time there wasn't many good co-op games, so yeah, this is a great co-op game."

So there you have it everyone. Left 4 Dead 3 is coming and will most probably be announced soon. Half Life 3, on the other hand, may take forever to get announced. Nevertheless, gamers can look forward to more action-packed games that they have grown to love!

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