Diane Keaton Movies Not The Actress’ Ultimate Motivation, Reveals Her Goal Of Holding The Record As The Woman Who Kissed Highest Number Of Men On-Screen

The ellen degeneres show

Diane Keaton movies may not be the only thing you should be looking forward to. During her interview with Ellen de Generes, the actress generously revealed her lineup of actors she already kissed on-screen. Nevertheless, the actress is not yet done with her goal. She still wants to add more actors to her list. She still wants to pucker up with more guys.

Keaton shared, "What I've decided is that I would like as my goal in life is to be the woman in films who has had the most kisses with men on film, and I'm thinking that maybe 50 is what I'm going for."

At present, her list of actors she already made out with already includes 18 men. Michael Douglas and Morgan Freeman are two of the top names on the list of the 68-year-old Oscar-winning actress.

Freeman and Keaton teamed up for the upcoming drama show, Life Itself, where the actor played the role of the latter's husband. Keaton described Freeman's lips as "luscious". She added, "You just put your lips up against him, and you just squeezed in, and it felt gooey and good. So I liked that."

Meanwhile, she hinted that Douglas' kissing style was more aggressive. Thus, it was also very appealing to her. She revealed, "What was exciting about him he was sort of like a pitbull. He kind of attacked me... I was acting sort of cautious, but in my heart of hearts, I felt the same about him and I wanted to just get right with it."

For her future pecking order, Keaton has set her sights (or lips, for that matter) on a comedian she describes as a 'kind of a genius'. "Louis C. K. - that's the one I want right now," the actress declared. Well, it remains to be seen if the actress' smooching wishlist will come true.

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