Watch Dogs Gameplay Leaks Different Builds For The Sony and Microsoft Consoles; Torrent File Of A “Ripped” Copy Installs Bitcoin Miner In Computers!


Ubisoft's premier title is set to roll out Tuesday, and samples of Watch Dogs gameplay are aplenty online.

Firsthand samples of the game reveal differences in the builds, across different platforms and different console generations. Watch Dogs is available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Ubisoft has confirmed it is developing the game according to the available hardware's capabilities. The potential and limits of the Microsoft and Sony platforms are considered, resulting in noticeable differences in the final builds. The concern doesn't hold on the PC, though, due to the platform's highly-customizable specs.

The Watch Dogs gameplay runs at 900p on the PlayStation 4, 792p on the Xbox One; both adopt the standard frame rate of 30fps. There is a marked difference between the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

The Xbox One version showcases vibrant colors and better contrasts, while the PlayStation 4 build has better color balance, anti-aliasing. Previous screenshots of Watch Dogs gameplay hint at inferior builds for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, which is understandable considering the limitations of the hardware.

Graphics on the previous-gen consoles are noticeably downgraded. It is important to note these hold their own when compared to the PS4 and Xbox One versions, though (

In related news, supposed copies of the game are available online for torrent download; the file installs a Bitcoin miner once opened. The virus also causes other problems, as expected. Blue-screen crashes, tweaked power consumption, and a consequently unstable system is offered in exchange for gamer's hopes of first crack at the game (

It's but fitting that hacking software is cloaked in the guise of a Watch_Dogs game download. Hacking into people's lives in mundane, unexpected ways is what the Watch Dogs gameplay is all about. Antivirus software is available for those who've willingly downloaded and "installed" the tainted file.

Watch Dogs comes out on Microsoft and Sony platforms, on PC on Tuesday, May 27.

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