God Of War 4 Release Date Rumored To Be Announced At E3 After The Program Flow Got Leaked! Teaser Trailer To Be Shown Alongside Gameplay Demo!

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God Of War 4

God Of War 4 Release Date: Rumors are being discussed on Reddit about a leaked document that suggests that there is a tech demo on stage at the E3 for God of War 4. But at the same time, gamers do have to take things with a pinch of salt as it would be a departure from the typical naming convention.

This leaked document can testify to all of these. A leaked image has surfaced on the web which created a huge buzz in the gaming industry. The image is a photo taken of a document which revealed the chronology for the upcoming annual gaming event, E3.

For months now, gamers have been discussing, researching and speculating on what is to come on this year's E3. With the leak, there is no longer a need for all that as it spilled the beans of the entire event.

If you wish to kill the elements of surprise, you can read on or view the image here.

Three gaming platforms are revealed and they are Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. The US company will be taking the stage to talk about Beyond: Good & Evil 2, Forza Horizon 2, Quantum Break, a tech demo for Halo 5 and a gameplay video of Gears of War 4.

Sony on the other hand will reveal the CGI for God of War 4, gameplay video for Destiny, trailers for a few Indie titles as well as a tech demo for the highly anticipated Uncharted 4 which seems to be titled The Sunken Blade.

Nintendo has nothing to talk about and will only host an array of playable demos. These include titles for Wii U as well as 3DS including Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate and The Legend of Zelda: Shard of Nightmare.

Gamers are now weeks away from E3 and it gets more exciting with every passing day. Of course, there is still the announcement by Bioware and Valve that fans are looking out for throughout the event.

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