Call Of Duty Ghosts Invasion DLC Release Date Set On June 3! Game One Of Two Highlights For Activision As It Serves As Build-Up For Advanced Warfare!

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Call Of Duty Ghosts Invasion Release Date: Good news for COD fans as Invasion DLC is in preparation for a release to Call of Duty Ghosts. When it arrives, the third DLC will be offering players plenty of new contents to play. However, the specific date of arrival remains unknown.

That was the case until today, when VideoGamesBlogger revealed that Invasion DLC will come on June 3, 2014. While this may sound exciting, the stated date is only meant for players on the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One. This is thanks to the exclusive deal agreed by Microsoft and Activision.

The DLC is packed with all the goodness of an FPS title. There will be new multiplayer maps, bonus characters such as Predator, bonus weapons and Extinction Episode 3.

These are all the reasons needed to be excited for the Invasion DLC. Players on the PC and Sony's consoles don't have to sulk just yet as the contents will reach them a month after the Xbox's release.

The latest Call of Duty Ghosts DLC is also a buildup to Activision's latest installment in the franchise, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Scheduled for a November 2014 release, the game aims to sustain the appeal of the series with new setting, weapons, and characters.

Sledgehammer Games is developing the title. Set in 2054, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will feature futuristic weapons and maps, both for single-player and multiplayer campaigns.

Among the equipment reported to make it into the game includes a 3D Printer Rifle, which prints ammo from the barrel; a plasma rifle; an enhancement exoskeleton that boosts speed, strength, and jump; a hover-bike; and a hover-aircraft. Gamers can expect one more Call of Duty Ghosts DLC before the installment wraps up.

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