The KBS 2 TV Saturday Sunday drama 'Wonderful Days' actor Choi Woong and actress Kim Ji Ho went on a date. actress Kim Ji Ho showed her “missy” look at the date, with the yellow cardigan and dress look. Kim Ji Ho wore a yellow dress with flower prints and matched with a navy cardigan. Her dress, which was made out of chiffon material, made Kim Ji Ho look lovelier than ever. In related news, on the 30th episode of the KBS 2 TV Saturday Sunday drama 'Wonderful Days' which aired on June 1, 2014, Woo Jin, played by actor Choi Woong, decided to introduce Dong Ok, played by actress Kim Ji Ho, to his parents and taught her table manners. In related news, the KBS TV Saturday Sunday drama "Wonderful Days" tells a story of Kang Dong Suk, a poor man in a rural area who goes to Seoul to study and succeeds as a prosecutor in Seoul. He comes back to his rural hometown after 15 years. The drama tells the story of people around him, and deals with themes of the value of family, neighbors, and greatness of love.
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