Kirsten Dunst Garrett Hedlund 2014: Couple Seeks London Home Together, ‘On The Road’ Actor Chats Working With Angelina Jolie

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Angelina Jolie
On The Road
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Celebrity couples

Kirsten Dunst and Garrett Hedlund were recently seen having lunch with her 'The Two Faces Of January' co-star Oscar Isaac. Dunst and Hedlund are said to be seeking a house in London, so the couple can share it while Hedlund films another movie in the English capital this summer.

Dunst recently spoke to the MailOnline about how she loves London: "I've been coming to London a lot ever since I was 11 years old. My mum and brother did the whole sightseeing thing that time, but I was already working on Interview with the Vampire."

Hedlund, who was raised in Minnesota by his father, told Man Of The World magazine that even going to a film was seen as a waste of time.

The actor said, "Our town had proven you could be a pro hockey player, or play in the NFL just about, but be in the movies? That wasn't on the agenda. I only really liked going to the movies on my own, so I could really immerse myself in the experience. I knew nothing about movies back then... You could have shown me like 20 pictures and I wouldn't have been able to tell you which actor was Marlon Brando, which was Sean Penn or Peter O'Toole."

Hedlund left to live with his mother at age 14 in Phoenix, Arizona, choosing not to follow in his father's farming footsteps. The Tron star soon went to Los Angeles in a beaten up truck with very little money; within weeks he was cast opposite Brad Pitt in Troy.

Hedlund recently worked under Pitt's partner Angelina Jolie for her new film Unbroken, about Olympic athlete and prisoner of war Louis Zamperini. He played Zamperini's fellow prisoner of war John Fitzgerald.

Hedlund said about working with Jolie, "I had met her a few time before, through Brad. She was great in terms of letting us develop whatever ideas we had about our characters. It was a beautiful permission to have, to develop the character of John. I can't wait to see the movie because I can't wait to meet him."

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