22 Jump Street Gets Positive Reviews As Fans Tweeted How Hilarious And Entertaining The Movie Is! Could There Be A Possible Third Installment Soon?

22 jump street
Jonah Hill
Channing Tatum

The sequel to 2012 action comedy remake, 22 Jump Street has gained some very positive hits from movie goers and critics that have watched the early screening of the film.

22 Jump Street stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum as undercover cops Morton Schmidt and Greg Jenko, as they infiltrate a local college to investigate another drug dealing operation, while they struggle to fit in once again without blowing there cover.

22 Jump Street is directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller who also directed the first movie based on the 1987 hit TV series of the same name starring Johnny Depp and Peter DeLuise.

Movie goers and fans have tweeted their reactions on how hilarious and entertaining the movie was.

But the movie fans are not the only one giving a review of 22 Jump Street. Various news websites also shared what they think of the sequel.

"The most reliable humor here comes from the film's 30 Rock-like way of drawing attention to the showbiz cliches it's indulging in, but Ice Cube wasn't joking about the production value: In addition to meta gags, we do get big stunty chases and the like, especially when the action moves south for Spring Break. The finale is totally ridiculous but fun, finally allowing these two mismatched buddies to form one perfect unit of cop-flick cool." - John DeFore, THR

"Lord and Miller find the perfect balance between giving us more of what made "21" such a success and providing enough new material so that "22" doesn't feel like a complete retread. Among the latter is a reversal of fortunes for the buddy cops; this time, it's Jenko who finds his groove on campus (among some inoffensive lunkheads), while Schmidt discovers his emo side when abandoned first by his partner, then by the effortlessly cool girl (Amber Stevens) who's not so sure about him in the cold light of day." - Inkoo Kang, The Wrap

"A movie this self-aware might easily drown in its own ironic detachment, but as they did so deftly in both "21 Jump Street" and "The Lego Movie," Lord and Miller balance their smartypants meta-humor with go-for-broke pratfalls and a certain fundamental sincerity that keeps the characters relatable without ever veering into straight-faced emotionalism. (When it seems that the movie might, along comes a good, old-fashioned crotch-grabbing gag to lighten the air.) Perhaps owing to their background in animation (where they did "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"), Lord and Miller also know how to sell a joke visually better than most contemporary comedy directors, and "22 Jump Street" is rife with delightful throwaway visual gags, from De Palma-esque split screens to a car chase (between Hummer and helmet-shaped golf cart) that might have been designed by '60s-era Richard Lester." -Scott Foundas, Variety.

With these many positive reviews will directors Lord and Miller hint a possible third installment? We'll just have to find out very soon.

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