Final Fantasy XIV Patch 2.3 Confirmed On E3 2014 As 2.28 Upgrade Include New Novus Weapons And 'Repair Raid' Features!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

The new patch 2.3 for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will be revealed on E3 2014.

VG24/7 reports that Final Fantasy XIV patch 2.3 as called "Defenders of Eorzea" will debut at the upcoming E3 2014 event in Los Angeles next week as Square Enix revealed few details about the new patch.

New additions to the Final Fantasy XIV patch include a new Primal fight against Ramuh, the Hullbreaker Isle outdoor dungeon, the ability to re-spec Chocobos, new hard mode dungeons Tam-Tara Deepcroft and Stone Vigil, and a new skill called Desynthesis.

Meanwhile, patch 2.28 is now available for download, and the patch will add new features such as new Novus Weapons which was hinted to be the evolutionary next step in expanding quest chain of the Zodiac Saga.

Another feature lets players repair items and equipment during raids. It can only be done when the players fulfill and certain criteria for repairs, and the players will know have that ability at 199% without changing their class. For a more information about the two patches visit the game's official PlayStation blog website.

So what do you think of the two patches for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn?

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