Samsung Galaxy S2 News Update: Android 4.4 KitKat ROMS Avail. For 2nd Gen Flagship; Custom Firmware Options Incl. CM11, AOSB, Resurrection Remix, Gummy, Or SuperNexus

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Samsung might have stopped to bring up-to-date feeds for Galaxy S2 but there is no denying that the handset is still able to handle the latest Android 4.4 KitKat OS. Android Geeks have tested custom ROM for Samsung Galaxy S2 users that range from CM11, AOSB, Resurrection Remix, Gummy, and SuperNexus.

According to Android Geeks, one of the most customizable gadgets ever released on the market is the Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100. And with minimum risk, users can learn how to make the device more powerful by using the following upgrades:

CM11 or CyanogenMod 11 custom ROM has been developed specifically for the device and it is free of bugs and bloatware. On top of that, users will get access to all the best CM apps. Users can follow the installation process here.

AOSB Project is a custom ROM is designed by ProBAM team. AOSB is packed with the following features: multiwindow, HALO, RAM bar, audio stereo effect, incoming call dialog, xposed built-in, custom nav and ring bar, lcd density changer, DSP Manager, OTA Update support for new AOSB KitKat builds, and others. Click here on how to install AOSB.

Resurrection Remix ROM has been posted to XDA by "westcrip". Features from AOSP Android 4.4.2 along with some other components that users can find in CyanogenMod and AOKP builds are also present in Resurrection Remix. Preparation guide and flashing of the new custom ROM is available here.

Gummy ROM is an unofficial Android platform. The firmware is developed by third party developers that has nothing to do with Google or Samsung. This ROM comes with its own version of Android 4.4.2 KitKat OS that employs new themes and customization possibilities along with extra features that cannot be found in the default variant of Android system. To know more about it, click here.

SuperNexus software has been developed by xda-developers that show how to install Jelly Bean 4.1.1 in a Samsung Galaxy S2. For prerequisites and installation process, click here.

Note: The aforementioned Custom ROM updates are not coming from Samsung and have nothing to do with the already mentioned company. This report is only made to inform users of possible updates and this site is not liable for any damages that these installations may cause.

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