The Mass Effect 4 release date has been set! E3 2014 trailer inbound?
Rumors have been going wild since Microsoft have allegedly said that they have a big third party exclusive to their Xbox One that will be featured in E3. The eyes all turned upon Mass Effect 4 which made some people panic and go ask industry insider Shinobi602. He replied with answers via his Twitter account that gave gamers some tiny details about Mass Effect 4.
First of all, it is not an Xbox One exclusive so that rumor is now not true. Second, the upcoming fourth sequel to the highly successful franchise is currently in developments and Bioware is still lip-sealed on the name of the game. Despite that fact, a leak has hinted it to be called Mass Effect Contact. This could be due to the game, being about the first Humans and Aliens contact. However, Bioware has finally spoken and it appears that Mass Effect Contact won't be the name of the game. The game's studio director, Yanick Roy, tweeted that a name is still being decided by the game developer.
He also said that a trailer has been ready for a while now and they plan on revealing it soon enough but will gamers see it in E3? BioWare still has not confirmed nor denied any news regarding showing Mass Effect 4 in E3.
People are thinking ME: Contact's exclusive to Xbox One? lol
— shinobi602 (@shinobi602) May 30, 2014
@SageShinigami Yea they do. Still, a trailer's been ready for a little bit now. We'll see! — shinobi602 (@shinobi602) May 30, 2014
Reports have also come in that BioWare Studio Director Yanick Roy tweet about Mass Effect 4 being in the mid-stages of development which we can predict a release date from by doing some maths. The game has been in development for 18 months and if he says that they are in the mid-stages then add another 18 months which makes us predict an October 2015 release date for Mass Effect 4.
@Jackmayall5757 Too late for one, too early for the other... So I guess we're somewhere in the middle? :-)
— Yanick Roy (@YanickRRoy) April 30, 2014