Wildstar PC Release Date Assures New, Continuing Content For Repeated Gameplay; Developers Offer A MMORPG With Lasting Appeal For Experienced Players


The Wildstar PC release date offered gamers new opportunities, with a MMORPG that intends to set the standard in repeat gameplay.

June 3 saw the launch for the open beta test for the title, and like most Massively-Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games, players enlist on a pay-to-play basis. The game is developed for experienced and hardcore players, though.

The title's focus on players of specific skills mean newbies will find it hard to keep up, but makes competition more intense. Developer Carbines Studios plan to maximize the experience, coming up with new, shifting content for repeated gameplay.

The focus is on the long-term, especially on players who've reached the highest skill level attainable (level 50). Since the game is dependent on player-to-player matchups, the real adventure begins as one reaches the higher skill levels.

Creative Director Chad Moore puts it bluntly: "Often times companies fall into the trap of developing content that once players get to the very end, there's nothing for those players to do. What that usually means is those players get bored and then they leave your game."

Developers intend to follow up on the Wildstar PC release date with end-game and after-release content to keep gamers playing, maximizing the title's run and lifespan.

Moore emphasizes the need to be in tune with players' feedback when it comes to continuing development. "Even though we have this game plan for the kinds of content that we're making - some of it we're already making - at any point, we are willing to just say, 'Nope, that's no longer going to be valid because of player feedback. Maybe we do something else'" (breathecast.com).

The Wildstar release date was met with positive reviews. With gameplay mechanics similar to Guild Wars 2, the game is action-based instead of turn-based, with combat innovations to boot. Content is specific to the combat class of chosen characters (giantbomb.com).

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